Sweet 16 Birthday Idea Help!!??!
Sweet 16 Birthday Idea Help!!??
Ok My Birthday was New Years, And since everyone is always busy i am going to have it 1/5/2007! It starts about 5:30-till. im having about 12 people, there are a few guys, including my Boyfriend! And i need Party favor ideas,game ideas! It's like a bonfire/cookout! I live on a mountain and there's lots of trees kinda so keep that in mind! If you have anyother ideas give to me! Thanks!
Have a Scavenger Hunt, Spooky Story Contest,
Dance Contest......
A portable sound system and enough CD's to keep the party rocking all night. Disposable cameras handy for everyone to take pictures.
A winter party favor package that includes a pair of warm mittens or hat, lip balm/chap stick and a package of hot chocolate.
Have Fun Sweet Sixteen!
Happy belated Birthday!
Here is a great site with some games
Party Favors
Hope you have a great time!
get a job