Does Paris Hilton think that she can get everything free?!


Does Paris Hilton think that she can get everything free?

It's not that she is TRYING to be a mooch, it's just that she is totally and completely unaware of the value of money as the rest of the world knows it. Her sense of value is blown out of proportion from growing up in the elite class that she has. The cost of things is irrelevent to her. All she knows is what she wants w/o thinking in terms of what they cost to her, or anyone else.


shes a skank

Do you have a problem with her? You ask a lot of questions about her... And I believe the answer is yes

She can, she's a Hilton!

probably. she's a moron.

She certainly doesn't pay for panties.

If you took all the make-up and expensive clothes, died hair and (probably plastic surgery) away from Paris, she would have to pay people to look at her. I guess if you have enough money you can buy anything. She has no talent for any thing so I guess she lucky to have been born into a rich family.

Celebrities sometimes use their youth and beauty and their "cachet" (star appeal) to get things non-celebrity people couldn't.
Non celebrities like to attach themselves to such stars because it gives them an emotional (and sometimes financial) boost. It's the old "George Washington slept here" syndrome... sleep at this historic inn, and you can have some of GW's ambiance rub off on you, too.

Celebrities, on the other hand, often use their adoring public to get goods and services for free, as if they were royalty. Sometimes they think it's their due, that it's owed them because they lose their privacy to the public, so (they believe) why not?

In short, it comes down to the attitude. Is the celebrity truly grateful for what she's given? Is she expecting stuff for free, or is it a nice surprise for her?

But more importantly, if she's given a bill for goods and services she's requested, does she pay for them willingly and on time? If not, she's a money-grubbing, rich kid gone sour, and her star won't shine very long.

She probably will - until people are no longer so willing to give so much to an overly wealthy drain on society with minimal to no return on their investment. Yet, somehow, I'm sure "everything" is not really "free"...

It's only "free" to her because she has accountants to take care of her bills so she never has to see them. Or even give a rat's bum about what something costs.

Of course she thinks everything is free, because for her it is.

People who have been living of the riches of someone else, in this case the money generated by the Hilton Hotel empire, do not have any understanding of the value of money.

They have never had to work for anything, and they certainly have never been in a situation where there was anything they merely wanted that they could not get right away. You can bet they have never been in a situation where they genuinely need something and can't have it.

Do you really think someone like Paris Hilton has ever gone hungry due to not having money for a sandwich at the local Subway? Do you think she has ever even prepared a meal for herself anywhere other than that television show I heard about where she was horrified to have to pluck a chicken?

She is completely helpless and does not even know it because she is surrounded by people whose whole job is to serve her and do things for her.

Because of the status of her family, she is encouraged to waste money and resources extravagantly to show how much more flush she is than everyone else; it's called conspicuous consumption.

The idea is that if you can afford to spend $2500 on a dress or $500,000 dollars on a car, you are showing that you are better than everyone else because you are more successful. At least when it is your success, but since our society is so materialistic and encourages this, most don't draw that distinction too fine.

Frugality and saving have never entered her mind. If she is sick she goes to the most expensive hospital in the world and gets treated like sick royalty. She's never needed medicine or treatment she can't afford. She's certainly never gone into the woods or onto public land to identify and pick herbs for her own home remedies.

She can afford to turn up her nose at fresh, good quality food that the hungry are desperate to get, all because it doesn't have special meat from X country, or just the right kind of sauce from Y state, or it wasn't prepared by the right chef or catering company.

People who have money often pay far more than something could ever possibly be worth; they pay more for less in many cases.

Our society encourages the average consumer to do the same. Have you ever gone to a restaurant where the food is an artfully designed dot on the plate that costs 5 times what it is worth because of where you are eating it?

Obviously the quality or quantity of the food is not the issue, since you can get more for less elsewhere, and it will probably even taste better if you do.

Do you concern yourself with whether or not your jeans or shirts have labels indicating that they are made by specific expensive manufacturers, and do you make sure other people see those labels?

Obviously the way the garment is manufactured is not the issue, since the only difference between those jeans and the ones in the shop next door is whether a sewing machine spent thirty seconds stictching "Tommy Hilfiger" on yours.

It is even possible that they were manufactured on the same machines in different weeks. People who create fake name brand merchandise know this, which is how they make their money. It's all perception.

So of course she thinks everything is free and that she can do whatever she wants.

I don't think that she thinks everything is free. As a matter of fact I don't think she know what real world thing cost a would probably over pay for a lot of it if she handled all that herself at this point. She charges what she pays for and those bills get paid by "staff".

The flipside is that companies give her a lot of stuff so that, by chance, if she is seen using/wearing it they get exposure. Cause for some reason there are people with money emulating her.


If they get free stuff all the time then how come she doesn't give her free panties to Britney? Ha!

No, she wouldn't think of accepting a hand-out. If she can't pay full price and then some she won't buy it.

Yes, and she a ****.

ye shes a jerk she thinks shes all that and that shes rich with her little ugly poodle


As long as she is breathing free fresh air. Sure why not ?

of course not, she pays for it!

though can get away with things some times

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