Dude do you like chocolate milk???!


Dude do you like chocolate milk???

omgsh, dude, i love chocolate milk..and cocoa pebbles, omg they are sooo good

I had two cartons of chocolate milk with lunch today. I like to use cocoa pebbles to make those krispie type of marshmallow bars. Yum,yum.

no thanx ill stick to frosted flakes and milk

omgosh i love both!

yeah it's the ****

I love Chocolate milk, but not cocoa pebbles, I prefer fruity pebbles? Or boo berry is pretty awesome?

Chocolate milk is great. I drink a little, but my kids love it, and it's just as heathly for you as regular milk.

me too, have you tried chocolate lucky charms yet?



I love chocolate milk. It is a very delightful and happy experience for me. My personal favorite is a dark chocolate orange peel. It is magnificent. Try it as I know that you will love its divine taste. Remember this, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" - Romans 8:31. Peace and God Bless.

love chocolate milk with in a tall glass of ice!!! it keeps the milk super cold...yum!

great...now i have to make me some...

Chocolate milk is good, but it has to be ice cold.

don't know what cocoa pebbles are but I like choc. milk occasionally

Chocolate milk is good, hot chocolate is better, the best is a chocolate milkshake from steak and shake. I can even tolerate the chocolate soy milk from trader joe's.

its straight, but i think i like the cocoa pebbles cerael better.

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