Any good 21st birthday party ideas???? please help!!!!?!


Any good 21st birthday party ideas???? please help!!!!?

hi im a south african, living in london.its my 21st in feb. i really want it to be a special day, all eyes on me. smartly dressed, speach and alot of drinking and dancing involved. do you know or have any ideas? like where to get a nice venue? what to do? not too pricey though??? please do give some suggestions.

The Living Room are always very accomodating, gorgeous venues and you will have a dedicated PA who will take care of everything for you visit

They have a bar on Heddon Street near Regents Street and one in Islington

I think you've summed up your priorities quite nicely. You need to be seen and centre of attention so you don't want a dingy club or noisy place with too many distractions. I assume you want somewhere you can have all ages of people. I'd suggest picking a nice a sophisticated bar near to where you live. Give them a ring and find out if they'll fence a part off for you, preferably for free. If you can assure them you'llbe bringing X-number of people, you'll have a bargaining tool.

A friend of mine went to a Pitcher & Piano bar in Manchester for her bithday and it was great. We could all chat (seeing friends from old), she was the centre of attention, and it wasn't too loud, trendy or pretentious for anyone. We were all comfortable and had a great time.

Have a ball Miss Brithday Princess!


my cousins 40th was on a riverboat on the Thames - food, drink, jazz band, 'disco' after, London by night-lit up and gorgeous, everyone free to dress as smart as they wanted! Our family is big, we all bought our own ticket! People on board from 18 - 50 at a guess!

A stripper always goes down a treat.

A murder mystery night, afterwards (as most are held in hotels) you could get them to give you a price for a party and disco.

Happy 21st birthday in advance.

Find a local spot that would close for the night for your soiree. If you ask a place to host it on an evening they aren't usually open, they may not charge you.

Gives the ambiance that you are important. You don't want to be competing with strangers or let them hear your speach (hecklers).

RSVP everyone well in advance.

Hire entertaiment. Have the DJ give out a bottle of champaign for some sort of contest that people participate in on the floor. Nothing sleazy though.

Maybe choose a theme that would encourage people to dress up, like a celeb get together.

You may want to serve some finger foods. Have a family members (saves on cost) dress up and walk around with trays.

Find some classy decorations, sometimes less is better and nothing cheesy or childish. Maybe something to do with your African heritage that people recieve to remember your special night.

That is it for now. Good luck and Happy Birthday!!

80's theme!
You'll find it pretty entertaining!

its sound like u want sum where classy? try and ask smart bars if they hire out there place for a nite but a think u should..........go for a nice meal with close friends and famliy .relax and enjoy urself and after the meal meet up with more friends all go 2 the dancin hiv a good nite off fun.booze and dancin:D!! sounds good 2 mee.


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