Can you plan a sweet 16 party on a 200 dollar budget?!


Can you plan a sweet 16 party on a 200 dollar budget?

yes you can, go to the dollar store to get all the party supplies you will need(cups,plates,napkins,flatw... and so on),big lots has good stuff too like big bags of chips,dips,etc.make your on punch (fruit punch drink mixed with 7-up).

it depends..
you want it small or big?
if small yeah invite friends go to a resturant..then yeah
but if u want a dj and wayyyy

if u watch MTV my super sweet 16 they spend a lottt..

I know because theyre rich..
but am in the same boat hun..
am about to turn 15 I dont know if I want to have a quienaneria
maybe u can help me out.

A themed party would be easy and fun to plan. My suggestion is to have a tea party with dainty sandwiches, scones and mini cupcakes. It would really depend on what the celebrant wants and her personality.
If she is more punk rock or hiphop, and you can't afford a dj (since you;re only allotting $200) you can ask her friends to make a playlist of their favorite songs. I think it's illegal to have minors drink alcoholic beverages in the States. It's more lenient in my country. I'm sure her guest would like and expect alcohol in your party. You should probably monitor that and instead of them bringing it, without you knowing, you can mix your drinks already and keep them light.
For $200, go to the beach and have a bonfire. grill, have a bbq. Candles would be the cheapest decoration.
Good luck and have fun!

Spend your budget wisely. There's no need to reserve a place.
Pick a park instead - free and easy.
And as for music : hook up your iPod to a speaker. Or bring a stereo. Be your own DJ.

For food and drinks, spend your money on igredients and make them yourself. Invite your friends and make them together. That in itself could be a fun party.

Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.


Of course!

I'd suggest serving a meal instead of snacks... the money will go farther and the guests will be more impressed and satiated.

Rather than canned drinks, go w/ 2-liter or a punch. Name brand soft drinks will eat up your budget. Watch the papers for sales and stock up then... even if it is months prior to the party. It will keep.

BBQ is always fun (except for vegetarians, but of course you will always provide salads and alternatives if some of your friends are vego).

BBQ in the house, park, beach, etc... not sure if you can BBQ in the park & beach in the US but it's kind of our 'tradition' though for us in Australia, especially because now it's summer over here.

Of course you can. Have it at home, get some great music together, great people, a bunch of snack food and you are all set.

Yes. The trick is to spend money only on the things that you can't get free or with bartering.
Here's an idea. Rachel Ray has a new talk show. Why don't you contact her show's producers and ask them to have her show you how to throw one for $200? That way, she'll do all the work, you'll get the party of your dreams and you'll get to be featured on TV, too.

check with your local establishments. You might be able to do a birthday package at a game works type place where you are able to provide pop and snacks and a $5 game card for your guest and then they are responsible for the rest.

That - or just a nice dinner with your close friends - you can make an easy pasta dinner and play games, have music playing, and have fun NA fruity drinks - check for some buget ideas as well. Happy Birthday!

well lets jus say the only thing u could do with 200 dollers is for the dj. im 16 and i jus finish having a party last month..for just my family and friends it was over 400 dollers. for the food, the rented chairs and tables, the beers, the cake, the d.j.. it was alot. well i did my quinces last year and i wasted over $3000 on it... so it depends if u want it big or small. even though my sweet 16 party wasnt as big as my quinces i still wasted alot of money cuz i have alot but i mean alot of i really dont think 200 dollers is enough sweet heart. and if u want a really good dj it'll cost more..thank god my homeboy did it for me.. he jus charged me 150 wen he really charges people 250

Well sure, but it depends how realistic you are being. For examples, you won't be able to have that many people. And you'd have to have it somewhere for free, like your home, or a relatives home, etc. Then get some decorations, which shouldn't cost too much. . . Try to be cheaper with the food, since people tend to just snack at parties anyhow. Rather than spending a bundle on a big meal, just have a few things out, like some chips and dips, etc. which people will appreciate more anyhow. If you are really wanting to do a meal type food, do something cheap, like a big tray of pasta, and salad or something. . . Remember to factor in the necessities like table clothes, paper plates, etc. You can get some of that stuff cheap at a wholesale club like Costco. Then if you have anyhing left over, that just means more you can spend on fun stuff like favors, or party games.

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