Why won't he commit?!


Why won't he commit?

I have been with this guy for 3 years now. We have lived together, in my apartment, for a year and a half. I have a little girl from a previous relationship. He talks about getting married, but won't take the chance to ask. He says we fight too much and doesn't see us staying married, if he did ask me. What's the problem?

Um, I believe he told you why; "He says we fight too much and doesn't see us staying married". The real question is why are you still there? Why do you want a ring on you finger so badly? Next step is for you to leave, or make him leave. You're hurting this little girl. She is watching and learning how to be a woman and have a relationship from you, and it sounds like you're teaching her how to fight and argue and gravel at this guys feet. Hoping for a ring and a date. Plus, if he wanted to marry you, he would have asked already. He's with you until something else comes along, don't sit around waiting to get hurt. It's time he left, yesterday.

He believes the future will be uncertain, The best way to convince him otherwise would be a long period of stability, unless you have some other means of persuasion or controll.

He's insensitive and has his cake already so he's happy with the status now . He is doing you no favor by sticking around preventing you from finding a suitable husband . I would ask him to leave now because he doesn't sound like marriage material anyway , don't settle for this .

Maybe he is being honest, or maybe he is scared. This is why it is not a good idea for people to "play house". Your daughter has spent three years getting attached to this guy, who now doesn't want to marry her mommy.

You owe her and yourself better than that. You guys need to live separately and see what happens. Either you will find a way to work things out or you will end up free to start a new life with someone who does want to marry you. Good luck to you and your daughter.

why don't you ask him?? get a ring and do it. that would be awesome.

He does not want to marry you and if that is the case then his loss of 2 wonderful ladies (must include the little one) Kick his *** to the curb and find a man you loves the pair of you and is not scared to take a chance.

If he doesn't see you staying married, why is he staying with you now? Is he carrying his share of the load -- finances, housework, cooking, shopping, etc.? Or is he just getting a free ride and keeping you from finding someone who you could have a committed relationship with?

Nobody here can tell you what the problem is. We don't know you. You either have to accept the relationship for what it is or move on. I agree with him though...if he does not see the marriage working out, there is no reason to get married.

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