Me and my friends want to organise a party- how can we make it good?!


Me and my friends want to organise a party- how can we make it good?

Its for my friends 16th so its gotta be fun.


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6 months ago
Ms Pickle... you made me laugh, but hookers? no thanks!

I like the idea of having a theme...

6 months ago
Ms Pickle... you made me laugh, but hookers? no thanks!

I like the idea of having a theme...

Serve lots of liquor....even if your party is a dud no one will remember it so it's all good.

hookers and blow ......Rock on!

Use what he or she likes in the party, like maybe do a theme? Or put what they like into the party. And when you put it together, make sure you have enough time. Usually people don't give them self enough time to get supplies ect.

Confetti, pinatas, hard liquor, beer kegs, soul, dance and rock music, NO COUNTRY AND WESTERN, mistletoe, strippers and Ben Stiller movies.

A theme maybe a country party whit cowboys and cowgirls and the costumes i think it will be very funny

Try setting up a scavenger hunt. 16 is a bit old for the typical kiddie party. There are several ways to do it.
1) Use digital cameras or camera phones and the first person/team to return with pictures of items on the list wins

2) set it up where they have to find and return with an item.

You don't have to tell them what the item is create riddles or clues.

Might be fun.
Good luck

for my bachlorette party, they did a louaou (hawaiian party) with layas and had a hawaiian cake made, with fishnets and fish and they really decked it out- they even used hawiian punch with the cute little umbrellas, very very cool, coconut bras and grass skirts. it was great. you should try it!

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