Suggestions for food Stations at cocktail wedding reception?!


Suggestions for food Stations at cocktail wedding reception?

I'm having an intimate classy cocktail wedding reception and would like to offer a variety of hors d'oeuvres in addition to the wedding cake and champagne.

I was thinking maybe three stations each with a differnent theme. I am set on one with Asian flare. Any creative suggestions for the others???

A few stations I've seen at weddings are:
sushi stations, martini bar, hors d'oeuvres station, chocolate fountain station, waffle/crepe station, fresh pasta stations, roast beef with all the trimmings station

One that goes over well is a Martini station.

One could be - with mini quiches, mini cheese crossiants and shrimp wrapped in bacon

Another could be another could be deli tray, olive tray, cheese tray and fruit tray with assorted crackers and petite breads.

I am trying to think of items that won't have to be kept warm. Then you have another issue.

are you looking for action stations? You could do a caviar station, Sushi station or Mashed potato station served in martini glasses or carved tenderloin (you can put these on little buns for quick sandwiches w/ mustard or horseradish cream), pasta station, fajita station. All these you can serve small hors d'oeuvre size portions. Good Luck!

American and Italian

What are your favorite foods? At my rehearsal dinner, we picked our 4 favorite kinds of food and made each station serve our favorites. We had asian (thai) italian, mexican, and an american table with mini sliders of tuna, turkey and hamburger with shot glasses filled with french fries and ketchup. Have fun!

Although not very creative,a chocolate fountain would be nice.

Big hits that I have seen are a:
Pasta Bar - Choose from 2 pastas, 2 sauces & tons of topping
Mashed Potato Bar seved in Martini glasses - choices of gravy's and veggies

Maybe you could do a small "main course" Asian dish (the Food Network website has a lot of recipes to browse through), an appetizer station, and a dessert station (to compliment, but not overpower the actual wedding cake). I went to a wedding with a mashed potato bar that was a huge hit. They were served in cocktail glasses and had a variety of cheeses, meats, and other goodies to go on the potatoes. As for the dessert, I'd recommend something light, such as fruit and different dipping sauces! Good luck!

A crepe station is so cute if they are action stations. The best part is each guest may choose bewteen a savory or sweet item.

An italian station would be good, because almost everyone likes italian food. . .You could do one with more like, appetizers because people tend to like smaller things to snack on, like scallops with bacon, etc. Like the theme could be "mini" or something cute like that! And of course, a fabulous bar, and some desserts.

How about a cold salad station? Different marinated veggies, tomato salad, bean salad

Something with a tropical bent to it -- perhaps Hawaiian or Tahitian.

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