Why are hip teenagers so concervative when it comes to food at home?!


Why are hip teenagers so concervative when it comes to food at home?

The duty of teenagers is to push boundaries and establish identity. And they do this by following their piers (lol), so if "tommy" says its only cool to be vegan, little johnny will follow suit. Although, its also a great way to have control and drive your parents NUTS!

conservative? they conserve food? i dont understand the question

because its what we do...lol

OMG - this made me laugh about raising my stepkids when I was married.

My mom cooked when I was young. We ate vegetables, and my folks were slightly old-school - we had to at least TRY everything that was fixed. There are a few things I sitll don't like, but I will try anything except organ meats.

I think today, a lot of kids grow up eating nothing but chicken nuggets, burgers and pizza and mac and cheese. Ramen. Maybe Taco Bell. No joke - if it was not a chicken nugget, my younger stepchild would not eat it. I could not even make a piece of toast right.

I have always loved vegetables - but if I wouldn't have been raised on them, I might not.

because we dont like being in the house all the time

I think it all comes down to what you grew up eating as a child...i dont think i'm not "hip" lol but i love cooking/trying new recipes because that's what i'm used to...if kids are raised on burgers and fries they won't want anything different

HUH idont understand the question

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