Very nice 18th birthday party?!


Very nice 18th birthday party?

I want to have an 18th birthday party like never before. Nothing to crazy but something that i will always remember. I want to do a lot of things in one day or something like that. what should i do. I only have 1 month to do what i want to do. Any suggestions??

Sure, throw a huge beach party, or go camping with your friends, go out to dinner than have a huge party at your house, go for a road trip, or get some of ur closet friends to come over and go out to see your fav band or singer, or hire a jukebox and blare some music. Or if its one of your friends or relatives birthdays coming up, u could throw a huge party and celebrate both of your birthdays. : )

Go to detroit. drive down joy rd. find yatisha. 50 bucks your in luck

sorry i don't but you can search online you should write: activites for a 18th birthday party!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! AND HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!!!!

It think you should get achol if u are a drinker and invite friends u trust and just get fucked up!!!! and have fun u are only 18 once

i agree get geeked up son! go to amsterdam or some SH*T but a once of some dank gets some drink chill with friends throw a party at someones house or somethin but please do get geeked up

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