How is an easy way to decorate cupcakes?!


How is an easy way to decorate cupcakes?

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Put your frosting in a clean ziploc bag. Cut one of the bottom corners of the bag. You can cut straight or make dents or waves with your cissors. Be careful not to make the hole to big. Then press the frosting through the hole with a soft circular motion.
If you devide your frosting into different batches and add different food colorings to each batch and use as many zyploc bags as you hava batches, then you can achieve a very sophisticated look.

hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top of icing or a flake crumbled up and sprinkled on top of the icing.

hire som1 to make it to your disine.

it is easy,if you want to get a bit fancy,take a plastic sandwich bag and put some icing in it and zip it up and cut a small slit at then start to decorate try it on like on a plate till you get the hang of it.I like to put icing on the top of my cupcakes and then get like sprinkles for all occasion of the year like valentines day is coming up and they have cool heart can also add a bit of food coloring to your icing and make it different colors.If you have anymore question email me.

frost as normal

place different toppings in shallow bowls (sprinkles, red hots, colored sanding sugar, candy hearts, chopped candy bars, etc) and dip frosted cupcake in bowls (frosted side down of course)

This easy...Lots of Cute ideas here:

Holiday and Seasonal Cupcakes

take some frosting ( can or homemade) and top the cup cakes with a generous amount, don't worry about looking smooth or nothing, then have crush or chopped candy bars, nuts, m&m, decorating sprinkles, coarse colored sugar, etc. and top the cup cakes with them.

The absolutely easiest way to decorate cupcakes is to take a bowl of frosting (either home-made, or put the canned stuff in a bowl), and then dip each cupcake in the frosting. Swirl it around a bit. Remove from frosting. Set aside. Dip the next one.

If you just have to do something else, some sugar sprinkles just lightly sprinkled on give it a little extra. But, they are fine as is.

just mix some icing sugar with a little water take a t-spoon and drizzle it over each cake then sprinkle with hundreds and thousands or get some glazed Cherry's cut them in half and put in the center of each cake and sprinkle the wet icing with coconut or melt some cooking chocolate in a glass bowl over a pan of hot water drizzle over each cake as you would with the icing sugar and ether put Cherry's in the middle and sprinkle with ether coconut or hundreds and thousands

frost them then sprinkle them

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