Does anyone have any greek party ideas for childs birthday?!


Does anyone have any greek party ideas for childs birthday?

my daughter will be 10 in sept. and she is part greek, I would like to through her a greek birthday party. does anyone have any ideas on decorations for this kind of party. ?

First of all watch the movie - "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" - that will give you some ideas on what to cook.

As far as activities - how about a mini-Olympics? That would be fun for activities and award laurel wreathes to the winners.

That age would also like pottery - you could get white tall vases and give them black permanent markers and show them some pictures of Greek pottery - and let them make a Greek vase for themselves.

You could buy inexpensive white cloth and have these cut and ready to shape into togas for everyone when they first arrive.

Get a book on Aesop's fables and use these as the basis for a fun charades game.

The only other activity that might be to give an index card with a different Greek god or goddess and what they are known for - and let the kids guess who they are.....

The only other thing would be to do the Greek round dance and let them smash some inexpensive plates.

Hope that helps!

have them all dress up in togas, and for decos have like big greek leaves all around the house like where you set the food, under the platters

im not greek, but I've played pin the tail on the donkey or pin the nose on the clown and my students love it! Especially if it involves small prizes. Musical chairs is always a hit. Adults can get involved too to make things more interesting.

toga party!!!!
and you can use grape leaf vines to decorate and have the girls make laurel wreaths or something of that sort 10 yr olds love craft projects.

I'm half Greek, and you could serve Greek food. Baklava, very good and a great desert! Give each child a white toga except the birthday girl, have her wear a colored one to make her stand out. Hang grape leaves all around the room or outside(were ever your doing the party) and you can dress up as a goddess or something like that. Have "wine" (grape juice) with the food. Some foods: spinacopida, lamb, and moussaka. Have grapes and cheese as desert with the baklava. Have fun!

Greeks traditionally don't celebrate birthdays, they celebrate name days. But growing up in Canada taditionally I used to have cake with candles ( each candle representing one year) for your 10 year old daughter i would use 10 candles. Anyways, if you want to spice it up I woudl also invite some of your daughters frinds... greeks are very social ppl... and dancing.. what true greek dosent like to dance...

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