How do I calculate how much alcohol to buy for a party?!


How do I calculate how much alcohol to buy for a party?

Party is for 70 adults

Well, let's see. If your guests drink at your party and then drive home, I believe that a blood alcohol of .025 (if they cause an accident or just get caught) can buy YOU about 5-10. Haha. I'm no good at party planning but I'm sure a good time will be had by all. Good Luck!

average 3 drinks per person anything over and you will be open for probelms.

average 5 drinks per person, anything over will be saved for later!!

how f***ing stupid you want to get

if u going for only cheap beer: abt $70 to $110/-
if u throws a party like i did one last week but we went for exclusive red wine and brandy colgen bleu,xo then will cost only abt $1800/- to $3000.(59 people)

8 or 9 two-fours should cover it.
party on!


1 drink per person assuming that there might be some ppl who won't drink. 2-4 non-alcoholic drinks per person (e.g. colas, o.j., sparkling water, etc.). Providing too much booze is dangerous and if those ppl have come just to get drunk, then they really aren't your friends. Frankly, I'd never throw such a big party at my place. Too much clean up afterwards.

there is a link that says " How many kegs do you need for your party?"

Have fun, be careful

I've put some links to some party calculators at the end of this email. I went to my favorite local liquor store and asked them. After all, they do this all the time. Then, knowing what I know about my friends and family I doubled the amount of red wine, reduced the amount of beer and white wine. At the end of the party I had a little white wine and beer left but no red wine. I think we did a pretty good job of guessing. Your local liquor store can give you a pretty good idea of where to start. Then, you have to use what you know about your party attendees to adjust that amount. Have fun!

I would say calculate 3 drinks per person, anything more than that and you'll have 70 drunks on your hands. Make sure you buy some other beverages for them to drink as well- having a choice may keep them from drinking too much!

there are about 20 shots in a bottle of alcohol so if you get about one bottle for every three people and a keg of beer you will do fine. what isn't opened take back for money back also get about 5 cases of littered pop and ice for about five chest. two for the drinks and three to keep things cold have fun!

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