Guy Help!!!!!!!!!!?!


Guy Help!!!!!!!!!!?

Hi, Im 13, a boy and am going through....... well....... you know what. I have been going through many pains through out my body and am putting an a few pounds. My heart has been beating quite hard and I just wanted to know if all of this is normal. Please, Please, Pleeeeeeeeeeease help me.

***** Serious Answers Only.

Do not worry. This is completely normal and we all go through this.

The pains you are feeling are simply called, growing pains. You probably feel these in your arms and legs mostly. I remember my legs use to ache so bad, it kept me up all night.

As far as your heart rate increasing, that is just you worrying yourself too much. It is completely normal for your heart rate to increase if you are stressed (and by judging from your typing and asking this question, you are obviously stressed),

Things that will help you through this difficult time are:

Take long hot showers or baths. Let the water soak in. It will help your muscles (and you) relax.

Try to keep eating like you normally do.

Your body has some testosterone to burn. Burn it by playing some basketball, jogging or working out.

Hope this helps. ;)

you might better get a checkup. it doesnt sound very healthy for your heart rate to change like that

it's just hormone - and it will pass
Hang in there ;)

Do some obsessive exercise, and indulge in some healthy masturbation.

This is normal. You'll be fine.

Maybe go to the doc's and if you think your putting on a little TO much then google BMI calculator. It tells you if your in healthy, to thin, or to fat. trust me i felt so much better when i saw that i was in the health category! its SWEET!!!!

First thing....tell your parents please!!!

crack a few raw eggs add some anchovies to it three strawberries in to a blender with milk and drink it down then see how you fill the next day
i drink this every day

do you thinks i'm nuts

well what are you going thur
Does you heart pound harder when you mom is cooking pork chops
or when you see a Real Hot Lokking rib roast

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