Any Fresh ideas for a 12 yr. old birthday party?!


Any Fresh ideas for a 12 yr. old birthday party?

DDR, concert,shopping,carnival er fair

Dance Dance Revolution video game. All the kids love that game

Take your boy, and 3-5 friends to a movie, like
"Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix".

pizza and movies. I like the ideas of the people above me- the order of the phoenex... and if there is a ddr (dance dance revolution) near where you live they may enjoy that if they are the type that like dancing

circus if theres one in town and movies, fair, pool, a beach party thas cool with music and food yum!!!

i saw this programme abt kids recipe, and i saw this guy, making a meat cake covered with potato cabbage paste as a cream. it looks too cool. and then he cut this watermelon as a dinosaur mouth with teeth and use it as container for watermelon juice. Then he told his 12 yrs old kid to pack sm giftpack, such a hats etc. and then hide it at different parts of the house. He also did sm finger food and a vegetable hotdog. it was fun to look at the kids searching for their gift pack and then eating the meat cake. the bday boy was over excitied.

get him a 13 year old

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