Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?!


Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

It was number 3, that's who.

The little pink elephant that just ran into the bathroom.



not i

the cookie monster

I did. I was hungry.

There were cookies and no one told me?!?!

I think it was my baby he eats everything!!

was it you?
not me!
but who?
haha kindergarten was dope

not me!

the running refrigerator

Who, me? Couldn't be! Maybe it was cookie monster.

"Not I!" said the Fly.

"Not me!" said the Bee.

Then who would it be?

"We don't know?!" Said all the bugs.

"Oh! Oh! Maybe the Big blue bug over in the corner eating something!" said the hornet!
(and maybe the something he's eating IS THE COOKIE!!!! What now?!)

HEE! HEE! Hay! What?! I thought it was funny at least!

I'm just happy to hear someone out there still HAS a cookie jar rather than eating those nasty store-bought bag cookies !

i did

I did. It was yummy.

Dieting!!! Not me.....this time at least! ; )




number one stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

I confess. I stole the cookie from the cookie jar. See what I did was take one cookie out right. And i bit half of it off. And i hid that cookie at the bottom of the jar. HA!!. So i did it. Don't believe anyone else on Yahoo Answers. Cause I did it. Everything else is a lie.

my dog

I did it but, my sister got blamed. She was 7 and I was 5.
They thought she was the better climber.

I usually do but always own up to it after.

cookie monster

me.............. im sorry ( no im not)

My two year old...I just follwed the cookie crumbs all the way to the play room and caught her with a mouth full!

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