Muslim Dinner Party?!


Muslim Dinner Party?

My boyfriends family are due to arrive in the UK from Iran next week and we are preparing them a welcome meal and party. I need a big recipie as his parents, 3 brothers and 5 sisters will be joining us. I have cooked for his cousin before, but as she was wearing a burkha I couldnt really judge her reaction to my roast vegetable and spinach frittata. As she speaks no English, I had to rely on my boyfriends translation. I'm thinking I should cook a Korma to remind them of home? Ideas?

i would definately agree with the above statement about not cooking something they know.. make them something you are comfortable with.. make something that obviously they dont make on a regular basis .. it just opens up to criticizing.. its good that you want to make the effort.. but i would say that if i were in your case.. and i have.. hubby is from morocco and we have has same situation.. i made a huge mexican food feast with tacos. nachos and fajitas one time.. they loved it. .and then the other time i made a huge lasagne with salad and garlic bread and they couldnt get enough of that one. they were more interested in eating it when they came here to see our way of eating then when i made the whole moroccan meal.. cuz after dinner i got tips on how to do the meal different or better and as pleasing as i seemed.. my feelings were very hurt.. just keep pork out of the deal and make something you are comfortable with.. even a few pot roasts with a ton of veggies would be pretty simple.. or roast chickens with the sides.. its simple and less stress on you and it wont open the door for your feelings to be hurt and all the efforts be for nothing.. i have done it several times.. and went over great hun.. good luck and keep your head up about it.. be confident and they wont feed on any doubts you have.. families are scary enough about their possible new additions (girlfriends to wives)

the 1st one to mention pork gets reported

If you are good at cooking what is familiar to them- that would be a great idea.

arsenic and chips ???
dont worry wagon i have a scar on my heed that states the same

the word "Muslim" and "boyfriend" don't go together, dear.

yea try korma :)

I will go with whatever you feel comfortable in cooking, just don't try too hard to impress them otherwise you will come accross as annoying. But always be polite. And stick to your traditions but respect theirs.

umm korma sounds gud but maybe u shud go with baryani (if u know Korma then im guessin u know wats baryani) cuz everyone makes korma lyke thier own way u know spices nd stuff so its a bit safer to make baryani nd then bake chiken with it...i guess tht wud b gud!!!

if I was them I would want to be treated to something new. Think about it, if you travelled to Iran, would you want to be served food you eat every day, or would you want to try something new? Try and make a traditional dish from your country that you are good at making.

y dont u try biryani with korma. that tastes really gud. up to my knowledge muslims love red meat than white meat. its better if u try some curry with beef or goat. do u have any idea what RAITHA is? raitha is yoghurt, onion and some spices mix. try that along wid biryani. its better if u search for some more dishes in indian recipie portals. try this out

I would to say........a nice fig salad to start......then try to impress with a goat curry not to hot! less is best....then a veranetta to finish

In addition to food to remind your friend's family at home, make something new. I recommend an apple or pumpkin pie. Pies are not part of the typical Iranian diet, but they seem to be a big hit with Iranians travelling outside their country.


My husband is from Morocco and when his family and friends come round I cook their traditional dishes. But if you don't know how to cook traditional Iran dishes then try something that is "international".
The first time I went to Morocco I was welcomed with a dinner. They made lots of simple small dishes as they weren't sure what I liked. There was food like - a bowl of chips, a plate of salad, a bowl of rice, some chicken, lots of bread......
Ask your boyfriend what kinds of food they eat so you have an idea.
Good luck but most of all just enjoy it and don't worry too much.

stay away from the korma!it was invented for the westerners!go buy 2 whole hallal chickens and give them an old fashioned roast dinner!

don't feed them to much we want them to go back
if you must how about a smallpox sandwich to take back

You can try some appetizers from there country and make them feel a little at home, its really easy to make and you will have a lot to choose from, and do some sample cooking before.
Here is a cool site to learn from, hundreds of middle eastern recipies to choose from.

Personally I think you should cook what YOU want and feel comfortable with and if that means Non Muslim/Iranian fayre then so be it.

I very much doubt his family would cook you roast beef and yorkshires should you go to visit it would be curry and dahl all the way so treat the like anyone else coming for dinner.

I'm not being funny I just think if they are prepared to come to UK they had better get used to our food.

korma is more indian to eb honest. try making a couple of diff dishes for them to try. make somethimng more british like roat and something ethnic like a curry or something iranian. that way they have variety too. plus its nice for them to have a change and try something british whereas they can get iranian food at home. stick to somethign you know they will like and also a british dish. good luck. hope it goes well.

Nothing Too fancy, Sheeps eyes are good Islamic hors d'ouvres, even if they make you and I sick, so I would stick to pleasant Apple juice, then Woodpecker, moving through Strongbow to real Scrumpy as the evening progresses, and some traditional Poached egg, might have to buy some from Tesco if you cant poach any, Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Black pudding, Home grown cabbage with an extra dose of round up, roast and boiled spud, with rice pudding for Dessert and cheese and biscuits.
After a few pints of scrumpy they probably wnt realise they are having bacon and egg for Breakfast after collapsing on the dining room floor, then get the Vicar round for a quick Baptism or two

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