Whats the worst thing about a party?!


Whats the worst thing about a party?

People not showing up.
Not having enough synergy with the people that are already there.
Having a person get too drunk and not knowing how to stop them from further embarssing themselves
The food is bad.
The food only consist of chips, dip and Cheetos.
Not enough interaction.

Cleaning up afterwards.

people throw up everywhere 'cos they've drunk too much :(

Throwup on the carpet from drunk buddies

Cleaning up if its your house, the eventual drama session someone puts on when they get hammered

the hang-over

Make sure you have foods you can prepare ahead. Way too much of a hassle to be cooking while your guests are arriving--savor that time to get ready and relax with a glass of wine to get in the mood....

I agree with the drama vote! But I think most of you forgot the worst part about cleaning up afterwards: the knowledge that you just busted your as* the day before to clean it all up for the party in the first place, and now it's worse than before.

Waking up to a girl next to you that is HIV +

The one or two people that drink way to f-ing much. They end the party when they start their two hours of vomiting. I've seen some people do some really messed up stuff while they are drunk and throwing up, stuff that would make even a sober person throw up also.

People getting drunk!

The mess-----cleanup afterwards! Ugh....


everything that goes with the morning after!!!

Well if the party is at your own house...then the worst part is cleaning up the mess the next day with a hangover. Nothing like smelling the beer and cigs when u feel like your dying.

either cleaning up afterwards or someone getting obnoxiously drunk and being an ***

Having nobody you know there, thats what my ex said, but i find it nicer this way, cozz i can get a lot of new friends there, the worse thing is going to a party and don't mingle around, if so, whats the point of going.... and becoming the wall papers..... and of coures, im always the one staying behind to help clean up, so i have seen the worse you can get from a drinking party.... ( makes me want to puke thinking about it.)

People who get out of hand. People who invite anyone and their brother to come along. Lack of food. Having to deal with "bad" drunks. (You know what I'm talking about)

when it ends

The cleanup.

If it's your party...not being able to relax and enjoy it, b/c you're seeing everyone spill drinks, and get rowdy. But if you just are attending, it is when it ends.....or the hang over in the morning. But hopefully you got some good memories. (if you remember!)

people only coming to eat and when the food is gone their out
not enough room to dance
no one staying after to help you clean up
people showing up you didn't invite.

drinking fighting so never drink cause anything can happen

Cleaning up afterwards!

Guests who don't know when to leave, and the clean up

the worst thing is when u have a dance party and no one dances or worst no one dances with you. so make sure you invite true friends to your party!!!!

worst thing is when u cant accomodate to ur frens needs.. it will be embarassing.. if u have a party.. make sure its a good one..

Definetly cleaning up! I had this party once and it was a HUGE mess.

People who bring extra people to your party (who are a-holes) or worse bring their children to your adult party. Basically - people being socially RETARDED.

Feeling awkward if you don't know a lot of people there, or just not knowing what to talk about in general.

Oh, and I agree with the above poster...my best friend brought her kid to my freaking bachelorette party. We live on opposite coasts now and I understand that she brought him to someone's NYE party this year! (Geez, pay for a freaking sitter or STAY HOME!)

undoubtedly' the cleaning up after 'part

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