Creative party experienced people all around world, help me!!!!?!


Creative party experienced people all around world, help me!!!!?

Well, I have to organize the staff party that has as topic "The entrance of Romania in EU". We have 400 guests. I have everything ready, presents, decorations (flags, balloons, etc) lights, sound, bands, catering, person that will present the event.

What I need is an idea of the most important moment of the party, something that will always be remembered, dealing with entertainment, that must be funny, innovative and to make an extraordinary impression to our guests.

Help!!!! My career depends a lot of this party!

Thanks a lot,


I would create an area designed for photo opportunities. Set up a small tableaux perhaps with your theme spelled out - some beautiful romanian artifacts and a bench or something for groups of people to pose on and around. Perhaps provide a professional photographer to take people's pictures digitally - print them out and slip into a keepsake folder of the event. That would be a WOW factor - very memorable.

good luck.

I don't really see a problem, all the things that you have mentioned sound great! I feel that you have this party well at hand. You have done a spectacular job at setting everything up. Making sure that everyone feels welcome and that the needs of most are met. Remember you can't please everyone, there will always be someone who has nothing better to do then criticize all the effort you have gone through to make this party great. Do you have a welcoming toast ready? Since you have orchestrated this party maybe you should make the toast. It could be anything having to do with your party theme or company. Look on line for toasts, there are some very good web site out there. And don't forget to breath and relax. It will be fine. I hope that I have been some help in this matter.

how about fireworks?

It looks very thought out. Now the rest of it is presentation. Dress well and give a great impression. Giving them something to talk about and remember is all in the first impression and the presentation. Good luck!

i don't know exactly how much space you have but I'VE ACTUALLY done a party of this kind before....we had all kinds of street performers standing on faux sidewalks entertaining the guest , ALL THE WAY from artist painting on canvas , to jugglers
to pantomimes to dancers and acrobats...I DON'T know the reason behind your party but mine was a birthday so I HAD A huge replica of a cake made with a figure of the women who's husband's birthday it was leaping out of the cake....I ALSO mad gardens all along the streets....the gardens were all edible...Candy's, fruits, cookies and all kinds of goodies the guest could take home with them....all the centerpieces from the movie were also welcome to be taken home...good luck, I DONT KNOW IF i was of any help...THE finale was Dionne Warwick..okay I HAD A HUGE fund to work with but it was a blast nobody would be amazed at how inexpensive some older artist are available for $$$$cheap...

I have to say I like Karla's idea very much. The professional photographer and the bench and the theme oriented photo corner.
I would make sure that the guests get photographed relatively early when they arrive, so that they still look fresh and crisp. No one likes to look wilted in photos.

Another idea would be (depends on how open the guests are)
if you get a few people(20) dressed in traditional Romanian costumes mingling the crowd and if there's to be dancing, I'd make sure they can dance and teach guests a few simple steps.
The romanian dances and traditional costumes are beautiful!

Good Luck!

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