Is it worth it to make homemade pasta ?!


Is it worth it to make homemade pasta ?

Is it a lot of work, and is it worth it ?

Serious answers only. Thank You.

I don't think it's worth the trouble. I do like to buy the fresh pasta at the supermarket. It's usually merchandised with the fresh sauces. I think it has a much richer taste and requires less cooking time. It's more expensive than the dry type. If $$ are an issue just buy the dry. It's more about what you put on the pasta...

why not?

I could never begin to do it right, you need the right equipment...

Find a local italian restaurant- there's one by me that makes their own pasta and they sell it by the pound. Cheap and easy!

Depends on who you are, how important proper nutrition is to you, and the kind of grain you use to grind as an ingredient.

its an art that takes practice, fresh pasta is really good, if your willing to learn from your mistakes then go for it.

Homemade pasta is reallllyy good...but seriously, its a lot of work. Maybe if u have guests come over its good to make homemade pasta with good homemade sauce:)...if u have time to do so...go for it.

There are sooooo many wonderful pastas out there now. Unless it is a family tradition, I don't think it would be worth the time and trouble.

Personally, I don't think it's worth the work. I've tried the electric pasta maker and I also have a manual one. Neither one is great, but the manual one is a pain in the neck! I've also rolled out the dough and cut the noodles by hand... definitely NOT worth the work!
Sure, it's fresh and has a heartier taste, but I'd still rather rip open a bag of noodles and dump them in the water!
The only pasta I make is spaetzel. (German dumplings)

Yes indeed. You can control the ingredients. for example, most pasta is garbagy white flour. You can use some whole wheat, and also, a variety of other flours, including soy flour and get recipes to make this type of pasta. You can also blend in some chives, vegetables, etc, and add nutrition. You can also add in some flax seed, and key ingredient in good health.

Yes, it's a good experience and it cooks faster.


I bought a pasta machine for around $30 on and it came with a quick guide that was very easy to use. Def worth it

I have made my own and still have pasta making moods, but when I can buy it for under 50 cents a pound, I generally get it prepackaged.

It's worth it if it gives you the satifaction you are looking for.

It's really actually not that bad! I always thought it was difficult and so I never bothered. But, this past weekend I made some and it was really easy. I will admit, I have the Kitchen Aid electronic roller, so it was easier. If you had to roll it out by hand, it would maybe be trickier. But even the hand machines are only around $20 at a kitchen store, so if you had one of those it would be just as easy as well. And really, the taste was FAR worth it. I have a store near my home which makes fresh pasta daily and cut it however you want as your order, so that sort of spoiled me, so now I never like boxed dried pasta. I know some people say you can't taste a difference, but I do really think it tasted nicer, plus you can make any thing different you'd like!

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