Any ideas for a fear factor themed birthday party?!


Any ideas for a fear factor themed birthday party?

im having a fear factor themed birthday in march. about 16 people will be there, any ideas about what kinds of activities to do?

go to
They have great ideas

Oh, I don't know but cockroaches and raw hamburger sound pretty darn nifty!

Oh this sounds like fun!

~Instead of cake serve 'dirt' with worms. (Cool whip mixed with crushed oreos, topped with oreo crumbs, mix in gumy worms)

~See if there's a 'petting zoo' that had creepy crawlies. (Snakes, giant millipedes, tarantulas)

~Depending on the weather, age, and dress of the participants you can make them look through mud for prizes (wrist deep or knee deep)

~Make slime

~If the participants are old enough, arrange a rock climbing / rappelling trip or bungee jumping

~Gummy bugs from the candy store.

~Give the food your serving disgusting names (eg: call chicken nuggets 'hamster nuggets')

~Set up an obstacle course or go for a midnight walk in the woods

Hope this helps!

Try this site is has many many ideas. You don't mention age but, I'm sure you can still get plenty of ideas. I was amazed.

make sure you serve stuff that will not make others physically ill in the medical sense. my suggestion is to go to china town. go to a chinese rotisserie (they have the ducks and chicken hanging in the window). there you can get cooked chicken feet, chicken or duck heads, intestines and all that other yummy stuff. look at the menu and see what they have. also you can go to the grocery store and see if they have unhatched duck eyes (maybe called balloot). boil that like you would and eye and inside is a little duckling. also try durian fruit if you can get it. it stinks to high hell but asians love it. you can also get blood jello however the scottish eat it too. good luck

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