Too much wine?!


Too much wine?

How many of you out there, go out to work, come home and drink a bottle of wine each evening before bed? C'mon tell the truth?

Hi Tulsi, nice to make contact again.

Yep, generally its a bottle each night during the week.....wifey pinches a small glass out of it though.

and its not because its been a bad day. It just a nice civilised way to end the days work.

although this week I've finished work between midnight and 2AM each night since sunday so its been too late this week drink after an 8AM to 1AM day !....sleep.......sleep....plea...

Yip that sounds about right!!

Never! I hate wine

i dont drink any wine its horrible lol

not to big on the wine but i drink at least a 12 pack everyday

I used to..... I would have a couple or three glasses at lunchtime and then a couple after work with mates and then open a bottle when I got home - not good - I only drink sometimes now.... it is really odd to wake up in the morning without a hangover!!!

I usually stick to a couple bottles of beer not wine,

Hell yeah.

I have customers shouting at me all day in a complaints dept so by the time I get home I feel mentally knackered so I crack open a bottle or a beer (or 5) and down them.

Oh yes.

On a quiet day that's about right - but sometimes I overindulge!

in the evening no..
but gonna have a few glasses with my lunch

dont drink too much wine because it may attack you anything from your body and be careful i'll always guard you all....!

Nope i drink once a week on a friday , but i do confess to going thro a weeks worth in that one night !

Though I have,on the odd occasion,drunk an entire bottle of wine-I don't usually. To be honest,2 glasses of red wine make me very sleepy!

nope but i do go down the pub after work a couple of times a week and prob have 3/4 pints

Never.... I cant stand wine...

Well it might be tempting, relaxing, sweet and all... but don't think that you're doing your health a favor. A couple glasses a day is good for the heart, but a bottle? I wouldn't be able to wake up next morning to work... I think you should just do that on the weekend and don't drink solo often. Invite someone over to share the wine. Or go out to a pub and meet a friend. Drinking is a social activity. Don't go to extremes, as you don't know when it will get the best of you. Say no to addiction. Get involved in other activities after work.

My husband and I drink a bottle of wine together at the end of each day. That is the time of day we put everything behind us and just sit and talk to each other. In the winter in front of the fireplace, in good weather on the screened in porch. Sometimes I wonder if it's too much, but in all honesty, it's the most enjoyable time for us that I can't imagine ever giving it up.

AH the vino, not every night, but maybe every other!

huhuh just one Bottle I drink 4 each Day without it i don′t have the right Work Temperature :))

Without any shadow of a doubt. The ole fermented grape juice does the trick, and I have been known on more than one occasion to skelp the backside out of it. No harm done as I always eats me grits before bevvying up. My flat mate cannot get his head round the concept of midweek wine glugging but no doubt they will come round just need to buy more.

One bottle? I used to drink two after work! I don't do that anymore though. In fact although I haven't sworn off drinking, I just don't drink wine that often anymore. Give me a few beers and I'll be fine.

not me, well not a bottle just a very large glass of red, lol xx

A standard size bottle of wine is about 3 and a half to four glasses. Big whoop.

I prefer a martini and, one is quite enough, if it is made well and I make a perfect martini.

My husband and I will always drink a bottle with dinner out at a restaurant.


i do --- i do

Absolutely! And I feel fabulous! It is a great way to unwind, and we try a new kind ever night. A great way to learn and hang out with loved ones.

Is this you again?

I must not like wine as much as you, sorry. Not that I won't put away the entire bottle on occasion, but I prefer beer for my daily fix :)

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