Should I go out tonight?!


Should I go out tonight?

Should I go out and get drunk with some friends tonight or should I just stay in. Its snowing outside and I feel cold. But then again this is the last week-end I'm 27. Should I or shouldn't I?

what does it matter whether your 27 or 28? i say stay in order some good take out that you like...and then go party next week because you will be 28 then!!!!

You are young, have fun, but be safe. Don't drink and drive, and don't get hurt. If the weather is bad, be safe.


Go out! Have a drink for me! Lol I would give my right ovary just to go out. I wish I wasn't broke right now! I'm also 27! =)

Girl, GO OUT!
Live your life. Wear something with fur. Nothing Tacky!
Girl your 27. Go to a Club!!! Hehe... :]

Have fun!!

You should go out, eat, then come home and crack open a good bottle of wine. But getting drunk while you're out can lead to problems.

If you dont feel well then stay in, have some of your friends over and do something fun, crack open a bottle of wine and sit around in your jammies lol

No, not if you're going to get drunk! I mean, what's that really gonna do for you? If your friends and you go to a bar and get drunk for fun, you need to get some new friends.

Stay home, but if you don't please don't get drunk.

stay in. if u do decide to go out, PLEASE have a designated driver-- don't put yourself or other people's lives in danger.

stay in, getting drunk is dumb. especially when you plan it...

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