How to make your pee clear?!


How to make your pee clear?

Isn't it true that if your pee is extremely yellow it means you are not eating healthy? That's what I heard, but I have been doing well the past week with eating better and not stuffing my face with candy and chips and soda and my pee is still extremely yellow. How can you get it to be clear???

drink a bunch of water, if your looking to have clear pee. the yellow pee is whats left of the liquid your body has been using and doesn't need anymore and if your drinking a lot of water you will be peeing more often and and your body will take what it needs and then get ride of the rest. and if your pee is clear than you know your hydrated. soda dehydrates you which is another reason your piss would be yellow. i would say yes it is healthy to have clear piss just because its good to have lots of water in your body since our body is a large percentage of water. and if you are looking to pass a U.A. then drink a **** load of water the day before and the day of and about in hour before drink a couple red bulls or monster and that really messes with your system and it will clear the test.

health classes, family doctors, coaches. personal experiences

drink nothin but water! best cleaner there is. stop drinking sodas such as coke

i buy a case of water a week and i put lemon juice in it

drink more water it is generally the case that if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce between one and two liters of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.

Drink water... when it is yellow it means you are dehydrated

Drink lots more water.
Limit yourself on the sodas even more.
good luck

your pee gets darker when you are dehydrated not by eating bad foods there is always junk in your pee but the more water you drink it dilutes the colored stuff and gets more clear. Go drink a liter or 2 of water right now and I guarantee you'll pee clear within an hour

drink lots of water. it tends to clear the irregularities from the system.

Drink lots of water and your kidneys will get out all that built up crud in your kidneys. Lots of water equals 3-4 glasses a day or more.

It can mean you are dehydrated or are taking vitamins. there are alot of reasons it is more yellow. Drink lots of water. 8-10 glasses a day. Skip the sodas (nothing good in them anyway)
Why do you want it to be clear? It is not naturally clear. It is atleast light yellow. So, clear urine it is not the definitive hallmark of good health.

By drinking lots of water


drink lots of water, your pee will have a slight tint in it because food liquefies,

Water Water Water drink it too flush out all the bad stuff good luck!

why have you put this question under entertaining???

DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, extremely yellow is unhealthy.
Drink more water and don't eat meat.

The more water (not soda, not beer, not juice) you drink, the more clear your urine will be. If you're not well hydrated or you just happened to eat/drink something with a lot of vitamin B, your urine will be dark yellow or even orange.

drink lots and lots of water

You drink a lot of water. The reason for this is that the natural chemicals in things like soda, and beer, break down in the digestive system, causing it to split the chemicals, and only one part of it comes out, making it yellow. The other chemicals in soda, juice, beer, etc. BECOME A PART OF YOU. They literally dissolve into the body. Water, which is one substance, cannot be broken down, so therefore, it cannot become yellow.

Drink water, tea, and gatorade excessively.Guaranteed to have your bladder fraught with unpissed clear urine, lol.

Mix it with Clorox

Some vitamins make urine dark. If you stop them one day it should become clear. Otherwise drink more water. If it does not become clear go to the doctor.

drink lots of water

not always, drink LOTS of water

it's not so much an indication of whether or not your eating healthy, but more of what your DRINKING.

if you want your urine to be clear. stop drinking dark liquids. drink only water for about 3-4 days. the more water, the faster it clears up. if you have a soda make it something clear also like sprint, 7-up ect.

good luck.

drink more water

Since you posted this in "entertaining" remind me never to attend one of your messed up parties.

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