How do you make mushroom stroganoff like at Noodles?!


How do you make mushroom stroganoff like at Noodles?

Mixed Mushroom Stroganoff
Yield: 1


1 tb virgin olive oil
1 bn spring onions; chopped
2 cloves garlic; crushed
6 oz large open mushrooms; sliced
6 oz open cup mushrooms;
6 oz closed cup mushrooms; halved
6 oz button mushrooms
6 oz chestnut mushrooms; thickly
1/2 pt semi-skimmed milk
1/4 pt white wine
4 tb fresh parsley; chopped
1 salt and pepper
3 tb cornflour
4 tb fresh soured cream

----------------------------TO SERVE-------------------------...
1 cooked brown rice; (allow
-2oz / 50g per
1 ; person)

---------------------------TO GARNISH-----------------------...
1 sprigs fresh parsley


1. Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the spring onions and garlic for
2 minutes.

2. Stir in all the mushrooms, milk, wine, parsley and seasoning and bring
slowly to the boil. Cover, then simmer gently for 10 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, blend the cornflour with a little cold water until smooth,
then stir into the mushrooms. Bring to the boil, stirring. Remove from
heat then stir in the soured cream. Return to the heat and heat through
gently but do not allow mixture to boil. Serve with cooked brown rice and
a green salad. Garnish with parsley.

Stroganoff is basically a beef base with sour cream added. It would probably be fine with a mushroom base if you are a vegetarian. I make it with beef and mushrooms and some onion... Yummmm! Good luck!



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