What should I serve at my mom's birthday party?!


What should I serve at my mom's birthday party?

The 26th my mom will be 93.
And I wanted her to have a birthday party since this might be her last one. She is in the N H . and they have a room that we can use.
My sister don't want anyone from the nursing home invited. She wants only the immediate plus my mom's sister & her daughter [8].
Mom's grandson said he will buy a small cake.
My sister said she would furnish the paper plates, napkins,and plastic ware. And she said they would bring their own individual drink. To me it sounds as if they are the only ones clean.If they bring it then thet can eat it. To me it sounds pretty drab for a birthday party.
I want more than cake at the birthday party. What can I serve?

This is what I say, More than likely you know what will make your mother happy, if that is inviting 1 or 2 of her closet friends form the nursing hoem then do it....it may be ther last time they get invited to a party as well. Let your sister know that you will be responsible for the friends of your mother. Now the nursing facility may not let any of the other leave unless there family is involved. If your mother is able to go out, I would say take her to a resturant, this way you do not have to worry about your sister being so darn picky. This is what we did for my aunt....she had no children so the neices got together and reserved a room at one of the local resturants in town, and all the family were invited, neices, nephews, great neices, and great nephews. everyone in the family, it basically became a family reunion not only for her, but for her brother as well. best part about this is.....everyone is responsible for their own bill, and you just pick up your mothers tab...and if a friend is allowed to come from the home....then pick up hers as well as a kind gesture. If your sister does not like this idea, oh well, it will not cost her except for a meal, and if she is so worried aobut sanitary issues, just have her brown back it with their own individual drinks, people will look at her like she is nuts. I hope this hleps, and this will take a great deal of buruden off you. Have a great time either way, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mother, I hope she has many more.

a christmas dinner such as turkey, chicken, mac & chesse, beans, greens, mash potatoes with gravy, and rice, fried chicken too.

how about entertain her with some nice looking male dancers

cook her some fresh bbq from the pit-sausage,chicken pork steak to represent the time she was able to be outside with the family. it will serve as a remembrance everytime you and the family bbq outside....invite all who loved your mom...god bless!

How about bringing the fixings for a sundae bar.

Check with the recreation director at the NH. They may have some good ideas or memories of some great parties that have been held there.

How about bringing soft tacos! Just chop everything before hand and then let everyone create their own tacos.

What about a " Fountain of Youth " theme . Try to find out the things that she liked as a child < examples : Candy, Games, food her mother would make ,etc. > The sky is the limit ! Let your imagination run ! I did this type of party for my sisters 50th birthday , she didn't want the traditional "Over the Hill " Party , so I came up with the ideal and ran with it . We had a Texas Ice cream Cake < 2 -sheet cakes (Choc. on bottom,Vanilla on top , with 1/2 gallon of ice cream in between>, and candies , and food from our childhood. It was a great success ! Hope it works for you ! < Don't forget about school photos or photos of her when she was younger! >

I think you should serve some exotic fruit and sushi.Oh,and some nice salads with your mom's favorite vegetables(and fruit).
If your mom has an Indian or a Chinese Cookbook,you can use some of those recipes.Trust me,your mom will love it!They all do!!!

It all depedns upon what your mom likes. For a nice b'day party perhaps make some yummy sandwiches, pasta, pizza, chinese food, etc,somthing simple yet nice. Perhaps have baklava, brownies, ice cream for dessert. It doesn't make much of difference as to what you serve her, as long as you guys have fun.
There is this one game which is always loads of fun to play with. It;s call passing the package. You take a small gift and wrap in a small box. Wrap it several times and on each wrapping write little dares. In your case it can be recalling good memroies, telling a joke, something a little silly like reciting a nursery rhyme, taking about hte future, etc. The box rotates within the circle and goes along with some music. The person who gets the box has to do the task and then pass it one. The last one should be the hardest and the then the last person who gets it obviously wins.

On my Nana's 95th birthday we threw her a Roaring Twenties party. Complete with costumes. We had stations all around the house; a 5 and 10 cent store with penny candies and trinkets. ( we gave her the money from that after the party so she could spend it at the Dollar Store...lol.
Speakeasy station with 20's music playing, the food was recipes from the 20's also.
We had a photographer station with a Polaroid where she was photographed with everyone separately and the pictures were given to her in an album at the end of the party, everyone wrote her a note next to their pictures.
The ideas are endless and were a tribute to her life well lived. She was a flapper and it brought back many memories for her.
I hope this helps...enjoy.

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