Birthday party for a 6 year old?!


Birthday party for a 6 year old?

My stepdaugher is turning 6 years old, Her dad and I are going to have a birthday party for her. I like to invited the kids from her school, but we live in an apt complex. If we decided to have it at a park, what kind of activies should we have? (There will only be 2 adults to supervise) Food? Any ideas anyone?

kids like simple things like hamburgers
MC Donald's and burger king have very good party packs
some times they come with entertainment like clowns
plus they have the nice play room that makes it a lot nicer for the kids to entertain them selfs it is not very expencive plus you dont have to clean or cook that much you can spend more time having fun with the kids

chips cookies and candy pizza and idk but jus try to think of things a 6 year old would like ask her what games she likes to play

well, all kids love pizza and they also love cake. While 1 of u guys r fixing the party area up for cake and pizza and presents the other could be plying the games with the kids. You could have pin the tail on the donkey also u can play hot potato or get ur kids favorite cartoon character as a pinata. Well have fun.

the classic games hot potato, musical chairs, egg toss, 3 legged race, leap frog, pinata, red light green light. fun simple games that keep the kids together and near adult supervision. i have 12 nephew and nieces all around the same age they keep them entertain for hours. good luck

Sloppy Joes are a good main dish with snacks like goldfish, pretzels, chips, popcorn, and trail mix. Of course you will need a cake. Traditional games would be great (freeze tag, duck duck goose, and games to get them moving!!).

Food - If you have it at a park, will you have access to a grill? If not, go for easy, premade foods:

- chips
- birthday cake, cookies
- pb & j sandwiches cut into triangles or quarters
- hot dogs (if you had one of those Pyrex containers that keeps the heat in)
- celery and peanut butter

Park activities:

- buy large sugar cookies (or make your own) and have the kids decorate with colorful frosting, sprinkles, m & m's, etc

- tie dye t shirts (tell the parents to send kids in clothes that can get dirty and buy a box of rubber gloves so the dye won't stain their skin)

- if you know someone who has an exotic or large pet, have them visit the party (a ferret, pot bellied pig, pony, etc)

This is a fun time for her, you could do anything and she will love it. And by the way, good step mommin you have going on there sweets, keep up the good work.

I say pizza is a "easy way out" but so economical it makes sense to do it.

But check out, they have tons of fun kids ideas and I normally DO NOT recommend webpages but give you the recipes myself.

One thing I would suggest is checking out thier different "cake" recipes. You can do a whole ding dong pyramid to the gods.....they have some amazing ideas.

I hope you have so much fun, all she is going to remember is that you didi this for her, so whatever, have a riot girl! She will like anything!!!!

An outside party would be great for that age group. Definately do a barbeque. Good food for the kids and doesn't dent your pockets to pay for it. Kids can be picky so hot dogs and burgers are great. Have different salads and cake and Im sure it will be a hit.

Sack races are fun for outdoor games.
or three legged race. Oldy games, but fun for everyone.
Also the balloon pop is fun for kids. First person to pop so many balloons win.
Stick the tail on the donkey (or any picture you may bring)

Good luck and Im sure whatever you decide will be great and something your 6 yr old will remember

Go to a birthday or party store and ask them about rental companies that cater to the young. I have a six year old and his birthday was at a park. We rented a popcorn machine, a cotton candy machine and one of those inflated houses where they can jump and jump. They even provided someone to serve the popcorn and cotton candy. It was awesome for the kids, kind of like a personal carnival. We also had a character come by. Since the birthday theme was "Cars" we got a visit from a fully uniformed race driver who told stories, danced and played games with the kids.

My nephew is the same age. They did the usual pizza and cupcakes for food. For activities they had a "treasure" hunt, and a pinata. The other option is to do the old fashioned games - 3 legged races, egg or water balloon toss, etc; with little prizes for all the winners.

Pinatas are always fun! Kids usually look forward to the time they get to smash it. Here are some good park games:

- musical chairs (except with pillows or blankets on the grass)

- air balloon (split them into teams. give each team a blown up balloon - no helium. Have stand in a circle and hold hands. The catch is they have to keep tossing the balloon in the air and they can't have the balloon touch the ground. The team who keeps the balloon from touching the ground wins).

What about a pool side pinata? Get healthy foods for kids. Get tasty sweets like cake, cookies and pastry. Get some burgers, pizzas or some chocolates too.

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