Fat from calories or carbs from calories??!


Fat from calories or carbs from calories??

fat from calories or carbs from calories??

which is worse? what is the difference between the two? and how should i eat with them?

That is a hard question to answer, Everything is good in moderation, just try not to consume too many calories in your day. EG: i am 20yrs old, 156cm tall and 52kg's and want to stay the same weight so in order to do that i shouldn't consume any more than 2600 calories a day.

There are 9 calories per gram of fat.

There are 4 calories per gram of carbs.

Fat is worse.

calories are calories. The key is moderation.

I eat almost no carbs, and 1 small serving of fat per day.

Fat or Carbs? They both contain calories, what you should be concerned with is the glysimic index of the foods you eat since all carbs have some amount of sugar its just how the body digestes them.
Sugars that are considered simple will be absorbed by your body in about 30 min, while complex sugars take abnout 3 hours when your body senses sugar,it produces insoline to process the gycogin
(sugar) if its simple it will be converted to fat if its not needed at that time. complex sugars take longer to be used up and not stored as fat.
as for fat; good fat is needed for the body you can get it from, olive oil, omiga 3 comes from fish, nuts, natural peanut butters not JIFF, SKIPPY, or some of the other brands they all contain bad fats and much to much sugar.
what yiou need to do is eat good healthy foods. I will send you a list of good food if you e-mail me at rcbfitness@yahoo.com it will help you pick good foods.

Fat from carbs is generally better unless your diabetic. Try to keep your carb intake below 30 grams per meal.

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