Topics for Dinner Party?!


Topics for Dinner Party?

I am looking for some interesting topics for guests to talk about during a dinner party. Any good questions out there?

It really depends on everyone's interests.

It could range from celebrity gossip, new life stories/events, television, music, world news... etc.

I suggest staying away from touchy subjects, such as politics, foreign policy... that may cause arguements and then your party is ruined.

We often go to dinner parties and without doubt the best topic of conversation is Poo. It really goes down well with all the guests, really well.

Generally the conversation will flow by itself if you're all friends but if you're stuck, if you know that your guests have children or hobbies - that makes a good opener.

We do something where we get everyone to write a topic down on a piece of paper and then we pull a couple out throughout the night and discuss them! Makes conversation interesting... especially when things like politics or religion come up.

Abortion: choice or murder?
Democrats vs. Republicans: who's right?
the Death Penalty: yes or no?
Religion: which one is right?

Questions or is it answers you want dude..???

Well I would tend to avoid touchy subjects such as religion, politics, abortion unless you really enjoy conflict! I am always shocked at how floored people are by the fact that good friends can have strikingly different opinions on religion, politics, and abortion! A few gentle philosophy questions might be good such as the classic "If you could invite any 3 people from history to this dinner who would it be and why?" Of course there are always the standard questions like . . . What was the best meal you ever had? the worst? What was your favorite thing your Mom made for you growing up? If you could go on any vacation what would it be? It is nice to have some music and perhaps a nice game to play after dinner. Apples to Apples is excellent and pretty non-threatening.

Whitney is dating RayJ now, Dream girls, Ciara and BowWow, President Bush, I love New York show, there are a million things to talk about

what's the best video you've seen on the web lately and where can i see it?

let the conversation flow naturally.

Anyone can't suggest topic as i think you are best guy for analyzing
the guest and in what kind of topic he is interested.I want to give one suggestion just discuss little bit about each and every topic during dinner.

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