What Should I Do For My Sweet Sixteen?!


What Should I Do For My Sweet Sixteen?

My sweet sixteen is this March, and I am trying to figure out what I should do. I live in Michigan and it is really cold at that time of year, still! So no scavenger hunts or anything outside, bcuz it wont work out. I want it to be really special and I want it to be remembered, by me and everyone else. I want people to talk about it at school. I want some girlfriends to come and I want some family. I want it to be at my house, but my mom said no, because our house isn't "kid proof" as she would say. I have 3-6 baby cousins coming, so it wont work out that way. My aunt says we can have it at her house, but I wouldn't know what to do there. I really don't want to go to the movies or anything like that either. My mom wants to go to a place that has indoor go-karts and laser tag, but it seems kind of kiddish. If we did that, which thats what it might come down to, I want my friends to come back to my house and do something, but I don't know what. Please, if you have any ideas, let me know!

How about renting a reception hall somewhere and throwing a party like a wedding reception? That would be fun. Everyone has to dress up, have a wedding-ish cake, a dance floor, get a cousin or brother to DJ, set up tables with centerpieces and disposable cameras... and if you have alot of $ for an extravagant party call MTV and enter Sweet Sixteen to be on tv.... Have fun!

Hey my sis is turning 16 soon!!!

She would have liked to have a dance with her friends at her house. that would be fun. Maybe you could have a party and see who can finish their plate of jello with a straw first.

It is an exciting birthday. Why don't you do something really girly and relaxing. Go to a spa and take all your girlfriends out to lunch and pedicures....then go back to your house and have your favorite meal with family and friends....that would be memorable and realistic. not some crazy "My Sweet Sixteen" blowout like the MTV show. Happy 16th!

You could have a dress up party. They fun for all ages i think. You could have a theme like come as something your not. You could as someone else said hire a hall. Maybe hire some games eg. pool table, pinball machine etc. Get some music obviously and get a food table.

Happy Birthday! Planning your party should be fun and relatively stress free. What about a theme? Some girls plan a party where, instead of gifts, each person brings a donation to the local food bank or SPCA. You could also arrange to take a cooking lesson and then get to eat the results at a local college or restaurant that does this. Whole Foods Markets provide classes. Or, perhaps someone that will come and do make-overs for you and your friends. Then add lots of good music, food, and fun!

karaoke & virgin dauquiris

You sound very spoiled!!!!!

I think if u are a teen it's hard to plan for all family to be included. If u pick an eve that outside temperture is mild you could have a tobboggan party. Sometimes the town will allow u to rent or reserve a pavillion.Or a nearby town.that way everyone can take breaks from the outside. You'll need lots of hot cocoa & ?warm foods chili or any crockpot items.Bring a stereo or boom box & invite ur friends to bring cd's along.

16 huh? Ah, how I remember 16! But enough about me. How about a masked ball? Possibly something like you might see in a mid evil movie with the long flowing dresses and the Mardi Gras style masks. You could serve mock-tails, (virgin cocktails like Strawberry Daiquiris and Pina Coladas), and whatever snack foods you like

Have a party only for teens,the little kids will distract and spoil the fun.Pick out a theme,Like all the girls try new make up looks,or everybody designs an Easter hat for their own mom.Use inexpensive things ,Paper flowers netting old hats.Let them draw a picture of a special boy they would like to meet.Give prizes for the best of each category. DVDS make good prizes.You will find these sophisticated young ladies are just kids underneath.Show a new movie! good luck!

First I would not invite your baby cousins, i would suggest maybe renting a hall and having a mascaraed ball

what if you did somthing fun on like the day of your party (like a blowout with friends) and then another day do a family thing.....cuz i mean baby cousins at your sweet 16?=()

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