What should I do or my 14th birthday?!


What should I do or my 14th birthday?

Im not really sure what to do. I haven't had a party for a while so it needs to be pretty good. Im only inviting my closest friends which is about 5. I want it to be original. I have concsidered having a pool party or seeing a movie or going out somehwere like to a park. Any suggestions people!

Try going "laser-light" bowling if that is available in your town. Contact your local Bowling alley for sure. Sometimes they have a party pkg. available which would include drinks and pizza plus a couple of games if they don't have the other.
Laser-light usually starts around 9/pm and finishes around 1/am.
They play really loud music the entire time. It is in the dark and everything glows so wear a white t-shirt or blouse. The balls glow, the lanes glow, etc...
You can bring a small cake for you and your friends.

I would do sleep over! It's really fun. You get to watch movie, stay up late (We were awake till 1 o'clock in teh morning!!), play ture or dare. We also talked about boys..........But it's mostly up to you!! Have a happy birthday! :)

you should do something that you really like to do. like for instance it has to be something that is appropriate and not dangerous. you could do a birthday party or a slumber party if your parents let you. the good thing to do is to do what you think is right and to tell your parents if its ok.
i hoped that my answer have helped you!

I'd say sleepover. You could have a themed sleepover depending on what you like. My friend did an anime party, we watched a bunch of anime movies, did ddr, danced to anime music, ate pocky and made onigiri to eat.

shop tilL yOu drop!! that's what we usualLy dO!! ^0^~

I would suggest you could take your friends that you are inviting to the ice skating ring and then go to a restaurant such as the Texas Road House, because they have some of the best biscuits and the best food there also.

Come to Albany,NY & meet me and the rest of my friends lol
just joking have fun with your closest friend from (Cam)age(15)

Enjoy It with spending quality time with friends ... maybe go shopping if u have a lot of money !!! or just sing out if u have a karaeoke machine ... lol ... or make a party for ur friends ...

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