Any suggestions for gifts to give guests at a dinner party?!


Any suggestions for gifts to give guests at a dinner party?

I have 8 of my sisters coming over for an informal pot luck dinner. I would like to give them each something for coming, any suggestions?

hmm thts a lot of sisters...but it would be nice if you give them an old group photo (of all of you in your childhoods perhaps)...that would make them glad and happy to have come to your party.

a dish towel to dry the dishes!

Most girls I know like shower accessories, lip gloss, perfume, and make-up, those sorts of things.

Candles would be nice.

Gift cards

I would say scented candles, or a bath set would be a nice gift to recieve after a family dinner!Or make them a photo album of you guys at your silliest moments, and the memories will last forever! GOOD LUCK HOPE THIS HELPS!

A small gift basket with novelty bath items or something along those lines would likely be a hit unless they have allergies. They are not very expensive either. You could get them each a couple really nice dinner candles and wine glasses if you want to go a little more upscale.

One perfect, individually-wrapped Godiva chocoalte.

Hey, how about stacking about 4-5 scented tealights together. Pick up some tule and colored, narrow satin ribbon to match the tealights. Cut the tule with pinking shears or cut a scalloped edge, pull up the ends then tie it with the satin ribbon. You could even get a couple of those itty-bitty satin flowers in a colorful match and add those like a little bouquet before making the bow.

Just a thought, but woman just love pretties. :>)

i would like to suggest a small things but can be useful like pilow case or blanket .

Bottles of wine are good gifts but only if you are age and appreciate wine. Also maybe something like chocolate covered strawberries. Just get something that people don't eat everyday. Something that you might buy your girlfriend but remember that it's for your sisters. Cheese and cracker baskets. Things like that.

How about a bottle of unique wine?
Or a gourmet dessert basket?
How much are you spending???

Cookbooks? Potholders? Paring knives, utensils, serving platters? Napkin rings, picture frames---to use for the pictures you take that day??

There's lots of stuff!

i have bought votives from party lite or better, yankee candle and
tied them with a small ribbon. i especially like clean linen. i have
the same scent burning and someone always comments, and i
have something to share

how about food???

Purchase photo frames and add a photo of your sisters family. If they are not married maybe add a special memory photo of you two.

For your sisters, type out this poem on pretty paper, roll and tie with a nice ribbon, add a flower (or not). Place at each place sitting.

"My Sisters"

For happy times shared through the years,
for the loyalty, love, the laughter and tears.
For the special things only you can do,
for all these things, I thank you!
Time and space may separate us,
but heartstrings know no end.
I'm proud to call you my sister,
happier still to call you my friend.

Well, you know your sisters and their individuals personalities, so stay clear of candles, Actually you could do some recipes cards punch a hole in corner of card and wrap it around the neck of wine bottle, granted you giving bottle of wine, but if they like cook you know their tastes who doesnt like a new recipe and a bottle of wine, they go hand in hand.

I'm not sure of the ages of your sisters or when your dinner will be but check out under sales. There are a lot of make-up items priced $8 and up on sale for $1.00. Can't beat that. One gift in particular that might interest you was featured on the show The View where you can make your own scent by blending other scents. You get 9 0.7fl oz. bottles and the usual price is $30.00 on sale for $5.00. You can't beat a $25 savings. I just purchased a bunch for my girlfriends (ages 24-28) who loved it.

Really luxurious, chocolate party favours! Zchocolat do the bets! You can find some info on them here:

Tupperware, so they can take home an assortment of leftovers.

Also, have each one write the recipe of what they're bringing on enough index cards so each person can have one, then also give each one a nicely decorated index card box.


Why don't you give them little bags of jelly belly beans in their favourite colours or flavours?

Pick up some small picture frames. Once everyone is there, have someone snap a photo of the 9 of you all together on a digital camera. Then have that person go into your home office, and print off the picture, and place it into the frame. Then, as each guest is leaving, hand them the framed photo of the 9 of you as a keepsake of your dinner.

How about a personlized coffee mug ( with their name 0n it) you
could fill it with hard candies, or after dinner mints...or a plaque
with a nice sister saying......Have fun........

How about a bouquet each of cosy looking dried, scented flowers? They really freshen up rooms.

Usually guests bring a little offering for the hostess...

I've been known to make candied or spiced nuts, put them in cute little boxes or bags and put them at each person's place setting. I've also done little bags of homemade caramel corn. Anything edible is always good. Or give them a little bag/box of homemade (or not homemade) cookies or brownies as they leave for a bedtime snack. You could even give them little individual cartons of milk and a straw with that snack as they walk out the door. Very cute!

Try putting together a small gift basket
2 champagne flutes or wine glasses, 2 scented candles, a few chocolate kisses and a bottle of wine or champagne. To make this a bit more special add instructions according the receivers personality.

a seclection of smellies ie.bath cream, body cream and lip gloss and some really nice chocolates (just a few)

Since it is January still why not give them each a pocket calendar with the sister theme on it.How about a small potted plant with matching material wrapped around them?Hope this helps---have a great time.

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