I'm having another Dinner party again Saturday...Does this sound good?!


I'm having another Dinner party again Saturday...Does this sound good?

Broiled serloin with alfredo with portobella mushrooms, steamed green beans with red onions, italian style salad (think olive garden type) and for desert mini fresh strawberry-pies, with a bit of whipped cream out of pan with chocolate sauce on the bottom of the plate for looks.

Now I calculated dinner (since Im using low fat and sugar free) around 700 calories per dinner.

Does this sound good?


Sounds good to me.

sounds delish! can I come too?

just need to know what time.

sounds like you'll need a bottle of TUMS, loads of tissue paper, and some air fresheners.

YUMMY!!! sounds really good :)

send some to me too...mmm that sounds really good....great choices!

Alfredo with sirloin? I'd try a simple cabernet sauce and the portobellas.

Wow! Talk about getting the juices flowing!!! Hahaha! Save me some of the alfredo and a little slice of the pie with extra whipped cream pleeeeeaaassseeeee!!!! LOL!

sounds good

Sounds like a balanced, interesting meal. And a great finish...a little sweet and fruity and rich too! Can I come over??

sounds good except I dont like mushrooms, or alfredo sauce... haha... but I like strawberry-pies... mmmm

Sounds great! What time should I be there. :-)

I like the idea of broiled sirloin. I like Alfred sauce with portobella mushrooms. But the two together sounds like they will compete.

Sounds amazing....I wish I could cook like that. But you go girl.


sounds awesome are we all invited....lol

Hmmmmmm sounds great!! Lucky guests!

sounds great! can i have some?!

Yes, that sounds amazing.

Well, it sounds OK ... all but the part where you use the portobella mushrooms. With my allergic reaction to them, I could ruin your party for you.

Yum - now where did I put that invitation ;-)

What times the party? I'll bring a bottle of wine!

I would delete the Alfredo as too many calories and its a bit on the heavy side for my taste broil the bellows with the steak and make a reduction out of the pan you put under the steak and shrooms just a touch of the same wine that you might be serving with dinner and you got a winner.. If you want to whack your green beans a bit chop the red onions a bit finer and roll them in a wasabi powder then steam them along with the green beans. yummy and a bit of a nice bite with no extra calories. bon appetite

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