What can I serve as a meal for 14?!


What can I serve as a meal for 14?

I am having a party and I have said I will cook a meal for everyone - 14 people in all! Has anyone any ideas what I can serve which will be fairly easy and mean I don't spend all day/evening in the kitchen? I have vegetarians and meat eaters so I would want something I can do with meat or veggie food. I thought chilli (one meat, one veggie) but a couple of people don't like it - so any other suggestions? Many thanks!

how about lasagne, one with normal meat one with quorn meat.

but you will need 2 large sized oven dishes.

to go with it, garlic bread. side salad with dressing.

try gnocchi with three different sauces:

1 red pasta sauces
2 white chesee sauces
3 green pesto

u can buy all of these in you local super market

why dont you do somethingf really simple like pizza, lot of different varities.

Or maybe pasta dishes they are quick easy and adaptable?

A pig roast and a big salad.


pass a menu round and send for a delivery

A whole calf, and 7 cabbages..

How about a Thanksgiving dinner? Get a turkey fryer (rent one) . You can cook a whole turkey in 1/2 hour and it tastes better than from the oven.

2 Types of curry would be easy ........ one meat and one veg perhaps. You can also get all the sides .... naan, bhajies,rice etc from the supermarket so you don't have to spend long in the kitchen at all apart from cooking currys.


what about a simple starter like pate, then lasagne veggie and meatie,and fruit salad for after.

My instant thought was chilli as well, but you could do a vegi and non vegi spag bol. Cook the bolognaise the day before then you only need to heat it through whist the spaghetti is cooking. Do some garlic bread to go with it and you won't go far wrong.

Melanzane alla parmigiana!!!

chilli is nice
go for it.........fussy enough to do a vegan and a meat one (i do it as well for both)
and for those that don't like it
why not just add a nice platter of assorted breads, rye, bagels, etc.
(i love chilli with bread)
a small cheese platter..
(they can make a cheese bun)
and you can also.........do a baked french fry as well..(a little fussy but.....chilli fries are so yummy)...and the fries can sit a long time in a warm oven..and great for leftovers........

and a platter of fruit..melons,

good luck..

try the 3 fish and 2 loaves of bread.......it worked for jesus

I am a veggie so I thought you might appreciate my input
When serving try to keep the dishes/spoons separate because veggies don't like their food contaminated by meaty serving spoons and people tend to try a few different dishes using the same spoon.
lasagna mushroom spinach veggie mince in bolegnaise sauce
spag bol using veggie mince
curry loads of veg in a curry sauce check that its veggie first if you buy a jar
stuffed mushrooms mmm
veggie sausage casserole use quorn sausages they don't fall apart or what about veggie toad in the hole with onion gravy yum
how about a cold buffet that's easy or pizza
roasted mediteranean veg served with stuffed peppers
hope this is helpful of and check any cheese is veggie because a lot of it isn't they use rennet which is a slaughterhouse product.

starter - asparagus in cheese sauce, so simple each person has 3 or 4 asparaguses and then u can either make ur cheese sauce or cheat and buy a cheese sauce.

main course - slices of chicen in lemon and corriander , for vegertarians have salmon instead, potatoe salad, vegetable rice.
to make the potatoe salad get baby potatoes cook them normaly when cooked chop in 1/4 mix mayo and spring onions in it. to make veg rice get normal rice and add veg, or u can get veg rice in shops.

dessert - fresh fruit sald with rasberry coolie. apples, mango , seedless grapes, mandarines and blueberries. to make the coolie but rasberries into a liquidizer with 3 teaspoons of lemon juice , put in fridge untill time to serve.


Lasagna (one meat based one spinach) garlic bread and salad. Make it the day before and bake it that afternoon while you are finishing preparations for the dinner.

Go for fish & chips, tasty, easy and everyone likes them!
Luvly grub, Go for it!

dont no sorry

Two types of Lasagna would be farily easy as well.

A spinach for the vegitarians and a meat sauce for the rest. It can be prepared well in advance and popped into the oven just before serving. Through in some garlic bread, a tossed green salad, a nice bottle of wine and you're all set.

A pasta station would do the trick. Offer 3 varieties of pasta and equal amounts of vegetarian sauces (pesto, Alfredo, or marinara) and meat sauces. I would serve this with good crusty baguettes and a large Cesar salad. Be sure to make a good finish, an assortment of pastry will do in a snap!

spaghetti w/ meatballs,, take the meatballs out for veggie people. I have 8 people in my house everyday and i always have more to take to work. My recipe cooks for 4 hours though.i make my from scratch and its awesome. Dont by ragu or any other store bought,,, get some Tomato sauce, and tomato paste.( for evry 30 oz of sauce- 6oz of paste? add in your own spices, (ragano, itaian spices, pepper etc)and fine chop some onion and bell pepper, olive oil,. I also put bell pepper and onions and bread crums, 2 eggs in w/ the meat. cook the meatballs b4 u put them in the suace. cook sauce on low heat and have a lid partily covering the sauce,, it will splatter in its uncover and too hot. You have to taste it often and add more to your taste.

good luck

you could do a meat and veggie curry and then a few types of popadoms and nann breads.
or you could see if they fancy a take away put a couple that everyone likes on a piece of paper then pick on and get it from wherever you picked then you wont get people moaning!!!!

Seafood Paella - VERY easy to cook, just throw in large pan and simmer!!! Do need FRESH fish though & big big tiger prawns for the top.

This is simple! Stoffers makes a lasagna to die for. Buy a veggie one and a meat one. Make a salad and garlic bread for it. Sounds so good! Good luck!!!!!!

who knows

If you invite me i will have veggie pizza. I am hungry now

one veggie lasagna and one with meat....a big salad...and garlic bread

Meat and vegetarian lasagna. Salad and bread.

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