Birthday party.. any ideas..? im turning 15 this month(january..)?!


Birthday party.. any ideas..? im turning 15 this month(january..)?

um.. HELP!!


oh have a sleepover at a waterpark hotel or something. or even have a big party/sleepover at your house!! make sure you have pizza no matter WHAT. you could make face masks and have a spa party!! ooh what fun!!! good luck and i hope you have fun at your party!!



You seem a little old for birthday parties. Just hang out with friends, if a dorky little kid like yourself has any! jj

u might play fun games like....spin the bottle, or hide and seek.....i don't know about that!!

the food might be chocalete cake and maybe vanillia ice cream

ice skating

see a movie/concert/play

go out to dinner with a few friends

have an asian dinner party: invite your friends and everyone brings a dish
or another theme: fondue party, costume party, etc.
even if you just hang out at your house and have pizza and cake, it will be fun because you'll b with your friends, plus u get presents!!

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