I am throwing an opposum birthday party. What kind of cake should I serve?!


I am throwing an opposum birthday party. What kind of cake should I serve?

I'm torn between vanilla sludge and rocky roadkill. And what about ice cream?

Rocky roadkill sounds cool. As for the ice cream, try rocky road.

Get opossum chip.

You've got vanilla fudge and choccy,almondy,marshmallow stuff there. I'd say plain old vanilla personally (I would suggest a flavour that contrasts with one or both of the cakes, but I don't know what would. Sorry!)

Rocky Road ice cream

And have a cake w/ tire tracks going thru the middle of it.

Why Wasn't I Invited?

cheese cake. those chilled ones are delicious. Pepermint ice cream. yumm

h.. I'm not sure what a opposum B Day party is! sorry

So you have to throw you own party huh?If I were you, I'd get the rocky roadkill---I always liked the surprise of not knowing the flavor until the last moment.OH---Happy Birthday......

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