New and cool baby shower ideas?!


New and cool baby shower ideas?

What is the latest baby shower theme( for girls) and cool games, punch recipes, gift ideas etc. where can I get invitations on line.?My sister likes retro Raggedy Anne and Andy . I am also having a hard time finding bassinet covers ( for the wicker kind). Can you help?

Planning baby showers is so much fun!! I have tons of ideas for you....

First of all....if your budget allows you REALLY should get a diaper cake! They make AWESOME centerpieces for the gift table and it can double as your gift to your sister. I make custom diaper cakes....and would love the challenge of doing a Retro Raggedy Anne and Andy cake for you!!! Diaper cakes make excellent conversations starters...especially when you have people who have never met before at the shower!! They are sure to be talked about long after the last guest goes home....

Games....I have built a page on my wesbite full of SENTIMENTAL games at the baby shower (also there is a cool scavenger hunt game which is fun when there are out of town relatives and friends who can't attend but want to contribute!!!) Check that page out, too....because there should always be SENTIMENT at the shower!! Give your guests a chance to show their excitement... your sister would be touched!

Bassinet really should check out Ebay. They sell everything on there...and it costs NOTHING to buy (only to sell).

Invitations.....I know someone who makes invitations/greeting cards. Very nice storefront.....classy operation. I placed their link below, too!!

Have fun.....and congratulations on becoming an Aunt (if you aren't already!!)


a kool idear, have u ever seen those tiny tiny plastic little babys, there smaller then ur finger,, Put them in soem sort of tray, fill it with watch and freeze them, then when u have ur baby shower, everyone gets one put in a cup and the 1st person to have there baby wins, and u get them a prize, by me saying having there baby i mean the 1st persons ice to melt with out touching it...

Another one is to buy some nappies, fill then with all different sorts of melted chocolate, u number then put a number on the front of the nappie, and u write it down, and u pass them around to everyone, and u smell and tast the cocolate to figure out what sort of chocolate it is, the person with the most right wins a prize, that one is really extrem lol

hope i helped

As for games, we had a baby food taste test with about 6 different baby food flavors. Person with the most correct wins a door prize. Drink Beer or wine from a baby bottle, first one to finish wins (not recommended for the mom to be). Put balloons under your shirt, and have a shoe tying contest.

if she hasnt found a name sit ur sister in in the middle of a circl e everyone writes down a name they like and puts it in a hat then when you are ready let ur sister to read them to the group and she might find a name good luck

food is very important ask you sister all her fav foods and serve them i ended up not liking any of the food i had at mine and it sucked

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