I need ideas on how to word my GED party invitation?!

Question: I need ideas on how to word my GED party invitation!?
So I got my GED through a career center and I'm having a party for family and friends and I have no idea how to word the invitations!. Every website that I've looked at has phrases like "Please join Mr!. and Mrs!. (whoever) in celebrating their daughters completion of her GED"!. I just want something simple and I'm not sure how to word it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Over and DONE! Please help me celebrate the completion of my GED on _____!.

Congratulations! Whatever the circumstances were that hindered your HS graduation, going back for your GED takes alot of dedication and shows a great deal of fortitude! You should be VERY PROUD of yourself!Www@FoodAQ@Com

First, Congratulations!

You can say:

I did it! I Got My GED! Come Party With Me!

Celebrate With Me! I Earned My GED!

I Got My GED! Now Come Join Me!

I hope some of these help and that you have a great party!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You could just do a simple pre-made celebration/party invitation!. It can be as simple as "I got my GED, so come party with me!" if you are printing your own!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm very happy for you!! I know you are happy for yourself!!!!

You could say: Come over and let's CELEBRATE!!
I got my GED!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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