Aquiring A Taste For Alocholic Beverages?!


Aquiring A Taste For Alocholic Beverages?

A few months ago, I drank for the first time. I had Vodka, Liquer, and Tequila. I had a bad experience and threw up quite a bit. Whenever I try to drink again, I feel like throwing up. Even when I smell Beer and Alochol. I don't want to force myself to drink, but I would like to drink occassionally for social reasons. Is there anyway to change my ways, and learn to aquire a taste for alochol?

First of all, this is a blessing in disguise! HArd alcohol is not good for your body - it is like poison to your organs if you don;t watch it. Personnally I can't stomache much either and have found that best thing for me to drink is a glass of red wine. I have found that white wines make me sick (especially champagnes). Red wine is pretty much the only drink that is low in alcohol and actually good for you. Also, a lot of men drink it (but you will notice tha most guys don;t drink white wine either). Eat something before you drink and always have at least one glass of water to one drink. It makes a huge difference to be hydrated and full. Stay sober and don't drink it if it doesn't taste good to you or makes you queasy. Last, there is a possibility that you are allergic to alcohol - not really a bad thing though. Remember that social events are to have a good time and if drinking makes you sick you are not having a good time. Real friends don't care about that stuff anyway.

drink really week drinks

Stay away from it. It's like a rattle snake. You keep messing with it - it will bite you. If you have to have a drink to be with your friends then maybe you need new friends/

no more TUI (typeing under the influence) the question is 20 yards short of makeing sense.

a) Noboby say you have to drink. If you don't want to drink, don't.
b) Don't drink until you throw up. Enjoy everything in moderation, have a soft drink in between the alcoholic ones and you'll fell far better the next morning.

I've often felt this way, I have too much of a certain drink and can't touch it again. I found by staying away from those drinks that induced the reflex and starting off with small amounts of others I was able to begin drinking again. Start small and work up.

I don't think you need to drink for social reasons. If you don't like alcohol, don't drink it. Club soda or other sparkling water in a glass with an ice cube is plenty. Or perhaps a virgin mary, or a glass of juice.

If you drank that stuff no wonder you threw up! How about a malt beverage like Mike's hard lemonade? There are tons of flavored malt beverages that taste like soda.

well you got to used to the flavour first of all other wise it is a waste

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