Isn't it rather rude saying eugh I don't like that without even trying it!?!


Isn't it rather rude saying eugh I don't like that without even trying it!?

At a buffet party!

Absolutely!! If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Also, if you're at a buffet, you have a choice of what to eat, so why even comment??


Yes. If you aren,t sure what something is keep your mouth
shut. (Or at least comments to yourself!)

I guess, unless what you are looking at is really gross like in that movie "water boy" where they had a snake all cooked up and in display for you to eat...

Yah thats rude. Did you do that or somebody did it to you? I basically try every dish and something doesn't look tasty to me I say I just dont want it.

You are absolutely right....such people are major hypocrites

well yes but sometimes if you smell it you can taste it so maby no

At a buffet party, yes. wouldn't kill you to try it

Actually, it doesn't matter if you are at a buffet party or a dinner party. It is just plain rude to say you don't like something without even trying it. If it is a matter of allergies, simply say that you are sorry you can't have any of that because of your allergies. Don't go into any more details.

I say it depends on what it looks like. If something makes your stomach churn just by the looks or smell, why eat it. Once I was in a Chinese Rest. at a buffet line, there was seaweed in the buffet and I said to my partner, yuk, I could never eat that stuff. Well the guy behind me said, "you should never say that without trying it first" I said "point well taken" and tried it. I threw up for the rest of the afternoon.

Depends on what it looks like. If it looks unappetising, its perfectly alright to say no or instead saying that you would rather try something else especially when its a buffet and there's a wide variety of choices. Besides, different cultures have different ideas of whats edible and whats not. For eg. in some cuisines even insects are considered to be a delicacy. But it need not necessarily be everyone's idea of a good meal. Its better to say no and play it safe rather than try it and feel sick to your stomach later. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and especially so when it concerns themselves. It need not be right and everybody else need not necessarily agree with it, but there is no harm in expressing how you feel within respectable boundaries.

yes definite PARTY FOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry but ya that is really rude, dont even put it on your plate if you dont think you like it!!

Yes it is. If you do not eat it because of religious belief, say so politely. If you do not eat simply because it looks gross, best to simply say, no thank you.

you can always come out saying thansk gents for the betterment of every one i am away for drinks

Yes its definitely rude! One must at least take a pinch of it even if one doesn't like it so that he/she can make the host happy/satisfied!

Sounds like some uncouth MTV generation kid!
But thats what they are supposed to be arent they? RUDE

At a buffet there is no question of such a remark. I do not understand the relevance of such a remark.


i wouldnt say is really rude at a buffet party

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