Birthday help question??!


Birthday help question??

ok, tommarrow is my daughters birthday and im making her a party, the problem is, its going to be cold and raining, so now i have to make it inside, my question is what games can the children play since its going to be inside, what ideas can you give me...?

Additional Details

5 months ago
she's going to be 7 years old

5 months ago
she's going to be 7 years old

That happened with my sons birthday one year (it was a shock because his is in August) and I planned a little scavenger hunt. The kids loved it!
I just went to the party supply store and got a bunch of little goodies (like those little toys and some candy) and made up some baggies for prizes (all of the kids got a prize) and then I made up clues and hid things around the house... he was pretty young and not all of the kids read well so I took pictures of things and printed them off...
Like picture of the TV, so the kids would go look around the TV and then there would be a picture of a bookshelf and then they would go there and find another picture, etc... Then at the last place they would find all of the prizes.
Also another good idea, the party supply stores have pinatas the have strings hanging from them... one string will pull the pinata opened, as opposed to swinging a bat in the house. I just had the kids go up one a time and pull a string, that was great too!
I think we played twister at that party too and then instead of a cake I made cupcakes and cave each kid a little plate with frosting and sprinkles and stuff and let them each decorate their own cup cake.
Hope this helps! Have fun!

pin the tail on the donkey
musical chairs
hot potatoe

chucky e cheeze! kids love that place!

a classic that kids always love at all ages is pin the tail on the donkey, my neighbor put a twist on it however, the party was cars themed so she made a racetrack and got car stickers and the winner was the one that got closest to the finish line, it was so cute! also a pinata is good if you dont want them to hit it with a stick you can cut a hole in the bottom attached to a piece of string and attach other pieces of string to it and let them pull it out one at a time till one of them gets the string attached to the "door" and all the candy/whatever you put in it falls out

Try for the tried and true...old fashioned.

Pin the tail on the donkey (or make it some other animal or item for fun). You pin the tail on blindfolded after you have been turned around a couple of times.

Drop the clothes pin in the bottle...with your knees. Harder than you think.

Put vaseline on your nose and pick up cotton balls and transfer them to another container.

Spoon in mouth with egg...or something less messy...relay team race. Or try pushing it on the floor with your nose to a designated spot.

Dress up relay race. Dress up, run to designated area. Undress and next person dresses, and so on.

Of course, the winners get a prize of some sort....individual or team depending on which game is chosen.

Bake sugar cookies or cupcakes and let the girls decorate them
Name that tune with popular songs of your daughter's appropriate age group
Get kids to decorate or sign each other's pillowcases, tshirts, picture frames etc
Allow prizes, kids love prizes.
Candy, quarters, moonpies, barbie clothes, little journals, pens, etc

Birthday Games
Puzzle Box - see if you can figure out what's inside.
Tag - lots of ideas to play tag.
Dinosaur Dig - create a dinosaur dig for children who love dinosaurs.
Bubbles - bubbles are fun for everyone and easy to manage with large groups of children.
Scavenger Hunt - easy to play and lots of fun for everyone.
Changing the Leader - A fun way to improve non-verbal communication skills.

Here is a link with more ideas

Well it depends on how old she is but seeing as your more in control of the party im guessing she's pretty young. I find that a pinarta is fun. Not sure of the spelling though, one of them things with lollies inside that you hit. OR someone is blindfolded and given and picture to draw on a big sheet of paper so everyone can see, and they are suppose to try and guess what the person is drawing. If that is too hard you could do it without a blidfold or for example you have to hop on one leg e.t.c

Heads up seven up.

To start the game, seven children are selected and come to the front of the room. The adult (or selected player) says, "Heads down, thumbs up!" The children who are not selected then put their heads down, close their eyes, and put up one thumb each. The chosen seven circulate through the room, secretly pressing down one thumb each and then returning to the front of the room. This takes about one minute.

The adult then calls, "Heads up, seven up!". All children raise their heads and the seven whose thumbs were pressed stand up. Each in turn names the person they think pressed their thumb. If they are correct, the thumb-presser sits down and the winning child takes their place. The game then starts again.

The child who goes last may have the advantage if other pickers have been eliminated, however, they often do not understand or have the working memory. To account for this, the new pickers may squat down so the other children can see who is left. Also, to make the game fair, the adult can alternate the order of which of the children are called each time (e.g. front to back, or left to right of the room)

pin the tail on the donkey,7 up,any type of guessing games like guess how many jellybeans are in the jar,or you can set up like game stations and buy a cheap bag of candy and all the participants get a piece.just keep your cool and the games simple and it will all work out =).
best of luck and happy b-day 2 her.

Since she is seven there is also a number game.

Prizes for the guest who can name:

7 items in the (party) room
7 flavors of bubble gum (or ice cream or cookies or candy bars)
7 kinds of dogs (or cats)
7 words (countries, games, wild animals, flowers or cars) that begin with the initial (your daughter's inititial),
7 names of the guests at this party,

you get the idea.

Twister was a favorite of mine, as well as all of the above games, they never get old.

Letting them make their own sundaes at the party and sending them home with little birthday cakes (large cupcakes) is a hit.

Pinata's. Always, only use a foam bat

There are so many fun games like shoots and ladders and catch the fly and all those old games, at thrift stores, you could set up little game tables or places all over for practically nothing.

pick games to play like hide and seek and pin the tail on the donkey and other kid games and hit the pinata!!!!!!!

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