Does anyone know where I can book an 18th Birthday Party in Walsall?!

Question: Does anyone know where I can book an 18th Birthday Party in Walsall!?
Hi, need to find a venue for an 18th Birthday party in Walsall (or that general area)!. Needs to be big enough for a DJ, have a dance floor and bar, room for tables, food, etc!. Any ideas would be appreciated!. Many thanks in advance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hi Amy, My daughter was 18 last year and we held what was basicaly a second school prom (but with family as well) at Cannock Chase golf course, Pottal Pool Road, Cannock!. They have a great dance floor, their own DJ and cater for how many guests you wish to bring!. We had around 100, most of them being from Walsall and Bentley!. There is a fantastic events organiser called Jenny who works there!. She is very helpful and will even show give you details of where to get decorative baloons from ( a must)!. The room is about 300 pounds and the food is priced per head depending on the menu!. You can pay for a bar extention for about 20 pounds!. The golf course is set in the middle of the country and the clubhouse is reached by a long drive through the course!.If this idea intrests you and you would like any more information please e-mail me and i will answer any enquiry as best i can or i will get my daughter to contact you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are 10 venues with pictures here!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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