Australia Day / Burns' Night?!


Australia Day / Burns' Night?

I am throwing a joint party for these two events. The Scottish bit is easy, but what is a typical Aussie dish (that doesn't need barbecuing)?

lamb cutlets
preferably barbequed.... grin

ok if not you can try and cook up some damper and golden syrup, some lamb shank, most importantly dont forget to have fun cooking it and have a few beer/ brews while doing it

me- aussie here, and will be bbqing on aussie day... cheers mate

Elle Macpherson

kangaroo b0l0x

What about assorted fish parcels steamed with herbs and spices, lemon and vegetables. Served with new potatoes.

We usually have seafood. Prawns (what you guys call shrimp) are a good option. If you don't want to BarBQ, you could just serve them cold with cocktail sauce, lemons and crusty bread. Make sure there is plenty of beer and white wine. Have fun! :)

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