How do you light eighty candles on a birthday cake?!


How do you light eighty candles on a birthday cake?

We were having a birthday party for my grandfather's 80th birthday and we wanted to put 80 canles on the cake, but we weren't sure of how to ligth all of the candles without burining the cake or having the first lit candles all burnt out by the time the 80th candle is lit.

Very carefully... start in the middle and work your way out. At least 2 people should be lighting at the same time both working to the outside. HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY to your grandfather!!

with a lighter

with a blow torch

Make several smaller cakes, and have several people light the candles simultaneously.

get trick candles
so you don't have to worry about them burning out
and if someone accidently blows one out
the flame comes back
and you could use a lighter and then move the lighted candle(s) from candle to candle

petrol! but stand well back!

you'd be better off getting an "8" and a "0" for the cake

get the long lighters for like candles and bb-q grills get about 3 and have 3 (or more) ppl light them together! Sounds fun! I think the longer lighters will work better and it means more ppl can help too. It will be done in a snap!

Well..... I would first put 80 candles on the cake...and mabye get a lighter and light it all..but that would take WAY to long.maybe some kind of semi-flamethrower.....Which i have no idea of...yea ill just stick with a lighter...

Edit:Yea..i agree with sharkzfin just get a "8" and a "0".

You use larger fatter candles and just put eight candles on the cake. Each one represents ten years.

Very carefully Eric.

flamethrower...or a blowtorch...

Yeah the longer lighters are great with ANYTHING

>>>>>>>>>>Think SAFETY>>>>>>>
Use the number candles ...8..0 = two candles and he would have enough wind to blow them out.

Use the long lighter, like the kind you would use for a BBQ grill, start on the inside and work your way out so the outside candles will still look good and not melted down.

Oh please, just buy the wax candle digits "8" "0". So much easier.

I'm not sure, maybe you shoudl get a test cake and test it'll take 80 more candles but its worth it...or you can just get one of those candles that have numbers and get an 8 and a 0.

light it together with the other people

Use a small propane canister with a torch tip. just be carefull how close you get to the wax!

You don't. Just use an eight and a zero or light two black candles and a question mark candle (they make these) Ifit has to be eighty, make sure the wicks all touch, or you'll never light them at once.

I can't really think of an easy way to do it. If you are set on putting 80 candles on the cake, just make sure you use one of those long lighters that you use to light candles and grills with otherwise you will burn your hands! You could always get just an 8 candle and a 0 candle to put on there or get enough candles to make an eight and a zero with and light those. Otherwise, that will be alot of candles for an 80 year old to blow out... By the way, Congrats and Happy Birthday to your Grandfather!

Very quickly and with a pitcher of water near! We lit 94 on my grandad's cake and they nearly burned his face off as he tried to blow them out!! I'm serious! It scared me.

I could just see the headlines the next day"Judge Green Burned to Death With 94th Birthday Cake"

My mother used to use a red candle for 10 years and blue ones for 1 year. Maybe you better try that!

Oh heck, just go with a tiki torch. After a few mai tais, grandpa won't know the difference anyway. ;-)

Wow, that's really cool. I hope you have a big cake, or you'll just have a hole with some cake in it after you take the candles off. Lol. But, anyway, what you can do is light the candles using 8 people. Give them each 10 candles. Have each person hold them in a wad. Light them all in each person's hand, and have them put them in the cake as fast as possible without the candles going out, then serve immediately. Good luck! And happy birthday to your grandpa!

Note: Have fire extinguisher nearby. LOL.

Really though, if he can't blow them out fast enough, have a glass bowl or pan nearby that is large enough to cover the cake, then the oxygen will burn up, and the flames will extinguish.

My first thought was "Very Carefully". I say go for the 8 candle and 0 candle, just light those 2.

While it seems like a very cool idea to put 80 candles on a cake... have you considered the fire danger! 80 candles is a LOT of candles. Use the candles to make an 8 and an 0, or like others suggested use an 8 candle and an 0 candle. You really don't want to kill ole Grandpa trying to blow out those candles, nor do you want to cause a fire in the house. The heat from all those candles, even if you COULD get them all lit without some going out, will be overpowering. Please reconsider putting that many candles on a cake. Sorry... it's the mom (and common sense) coming out in me.

arrange taller candles around the cake, instead of on it. Then Light them with a lighter and make sure that several people are engaged in lighting the candle.

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