What should I keep in mind while planning a ten year high school reunion?!


What should I keep in mind while planning a ten year high school reunion?

It's a big class and I kind of got coordinator's job by default.

You'll need a big space...eveyone but you , has gotten fat, gray haired and sloppy...
Remember to get the music you all listened to...(no matter how bad it was...you'll all remember it) and DON'T get chicken for everyone to eat....(chicken may be easy and cheap...but it gets like rubber and no one will eat it....)
Decorations should be simple, because no one will remember them....make sure theres plenty of booze (so everyone can get drunk and tell bad tales about everyone else). Make sure theres a way for the drunks to get home...
Make it a 'casual' dinner/dance/reunion...that way everyone will come and not have to be uncomfortable all night....(if you do a theme like Hawiian, then everyone can come dressed in summer clothes and you'll all feel great and relaxed)

Have a good time...remember, they might not remember you from school, so don't forget the NAME tags...(with or without HS pics, and with their maiden/unmarried names as well as their married ones...)

Everyone will be really hungry because they will have been dieting for months so they look good!

Keep in mind that it really hasn't been all that long and that most people aren't gonna be much different from how they were. The have finished school (in one way or another) and have gotten a job and gotten married. That's the only differences.

everybody is going to look different.

Keep it simple,make it fun

We had a small class, but we sent out an information paper along with their invitation asking them to fill out what they are doing now, do they have children, how many, what they do for a living, addresses, e-mails, etc. and it was really great because then a sheet was made up with all that info and everyone got a copy which I always use for Christmas letters.

Don't forget a photographer or have some set photo of the entire class.

Lots of Beer! Good Luck!!

I remember mine we were all drunk and partying till about 3 AM. Take lots of pictures!

i don't know what you need to do, but something i saw at one was laminated place mats with photos from school on them. Everyone took theirs home as a souvenir. Another thing i would do is NOT have assigned seats.. you never know who wont want to be near who.. of course its a bit less organised that way but I'd hate to find myself seated next to someone i didnt get along with.

That everyone is lying about everything.

Make sure you invite everyone even if you don't like them. Also try sending a invite to the home of the parents. I wasn't invited to my ten year reunion because I wasn't a popular person so they just ov er looked me. It was all the popular girls planning the so called reunion. Also keep in mind the time and the place. I heard ours was at a Country club which was 35 per person and was at a six pm dinner...don't help when you went to school with a bunch of farmers and that's when most of them are still working on chores for the farm. Also think of the people who may have small children at home.

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