My license has a crack in it will it still work when I go to bars?!


My license has a crack in it will it still work when I go to bars?

I dont feel like getting a new one right now, the dmv takes forever. But when I go out I like to just bring my license and cash so I usually dont have any other things to back it up.

If they're just looking at it, you ought to be fine (though it depends on who is checking it). If they scan or swipe it, though, it won't work if the crack is through the bar code or magenetic strip, respectively.

If you don't want to be bothered with the DMV, see if your state will let you order a replacement ID online. That's what I did, and it was a lifesaver.

That depends on weather or not the crack defaces the picture on it and sometimes the bouncers will still not let you in if there are any defects on the license.

yes it will still work

It should be fine. Depends on where the crack is, and how much of a hard time the bartender or doorman wants to give you I'm sure. You might be able to just order a duplicate online and then get it in the mail whenever.

I have a VA. drivers license. My license split down the middle. I taped it together using wide clear tape.(obviously duct tape would be unacceptable) I didn't have anyone ? me about it. You should be able to order a new one online. They don't take long to get.

Some bouncers might think it is a fake or you tried to alter it in some way. But if you look obviously 25 or so I think you should be good. But it also depends on what time of the year it is. Like Spring Break they are going to be really strict or any big holiday because that is when the undercover police are out in full force

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