Menu for a mystery dinner?!


Menu for a mystery dinner?

I want to have a mystery dinner for my birthday. One of those when every food item and utensil is under a codename and you can only order three things at a time. So you may end up with a fork, a spoon and drink. And then the next course you get three other things. What would be a good meal to serve for this. I want to have something that would be hard to eat without silveware. Spaghetti?

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5 months ago
If you have had one in the past or been to one how did you set it up and what did you eat?

5 months ago
If you have had one in the past or been to one how did you set it up and what did you eat?

Spaghetti is good, with sauce and meatballs seperately. So are soups, casseroles, and cooked meats. The only mystery dinners I've ever been to are murder mysteries where you spend the time solving the crime, so I've never heard of what you're talking about.

menu item number one: ???
menu item number two: ????
menu item number three: ??

That is an awesome idea girly! And the spagehtti is even better.

lol.. something my parents always made for us was called dog poop in the snow.. sound gross huh..

its easy..

put whipped cream in the bottom of a bowl.. and add a couple of spoons full of chocolate (may be spelled wrong but.. ) pudding in the center..

hope it helps..

There's this casserole that my mom makes, it has no real name. We call it "It's Good" made with rice, ground beef, tomatoes, and sometimes corn (yuck) and then after you cook all that together you add cheese on top, it is very hard to eat without silverware.

soup or stew would be hard to each without utensils, as would fettucini alfredo, or a casserole, perhaps tuna or salmon? This sound like a fun idea

my parents used to do this when we were little and me and my three sisters were the Service. It was fun for everyone... Our kitchen was blocked off with sheets so nobody could enter that wasnt allowed.

Some Menu options:
clouds that relieve illness... Chicken and dumpling soup
herbivores favorites... Mixed green salad
brown reaper.... Death by Chocolate cake

Hope this helps. Good Luck!

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