Who on here is too shy?!


Who on here is too shy?

to use anybody elses toilet but your own for a number 2?

We were actually having a discussion on this at work today, kinda quiet day its not the usual topic of conversation, honest. It seems like most of us would rather use our own toilet for a number 2 unless you really had to go and couldnt hold on until you got home.

Not me

no just make sure its clean before and after (open the window and fan out, if a bit niffy)

no, its just a woman thing

ME! i hate it when i feel i have to go but i'm not at home! lol

Hmmm it is a nightmare when you do use someone else's loo, but it is too pathetic to swish it round the U Bend. Otherwise no - I'm just careful not to leave it a mess.

i prefer my own throne

lol food and drink? but yeah i agree, i think its a women thing cos men don't care were they do it

wrong category

but to answer your question no i'm not to shy to use a toilet other than my own for a number 2 cause my sh*t smells like roses!!!!!

I'm not. When you gotta go, you gotta go. It's natural. What I am too shy to do is carry on a conversation between stalls. That creeps me out.

I am kind of like Ace Ventura

Whew ! do not go in there !!!

that is all the warning anybody needs.
if they go in there after that warning they have a secret fetish for smelling other peoples feces

Ha ha feces I love that word ;)

What does this have to do with food and drink, And yes, I'am,, I dont know why, but I have to depends, on if it's bad.

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