Does anyone know of a good alchoholic punch for a party?!


Does anyone know of a good alchoholic punch for a party?

Or drink/snack ideas? We are having .......don't laugh a Guitar Hero 2 party......we are all in are late 20's/30's but kids at heart...guitar hero's at heart....any fun ideas?

Ya Ya Punch

(This is a tasty and slightly tart drink. Watch out, this is one that will sneak up on you.!)

1 C. Pineapple Juice
1 C. Cranberry Juice (or Cranapple Juice)
1 Jigger Vodka
1 Jigger Peach Snapps
1 Jigger Coconut Rum
Splash of Grenadine

Mix all together in a small pitcher, and pour over ice.

Champagne Punch

2 (46 oz) cans pineapple juice
? cup lemon juice
? cup lime juice
? cup fresh mint
2 bottles champagne, chilled

Combine pineapple juice, lemon and lime juice, and mint. Bruise the mint to release it’s flavor. Mix well, and store in fridge overnight, stirring if you think about it.

To serve, strain the mint out of the juice. Gently stir in champagne. Garnish with lemon and lime slices or freeze them in an ice ring.

Can be easily halved or doubled.


1 liter of Tequila
1 liter triple Sec
4 quarts sweet & sour mix
1 quart ginger ale
1/2 gallon lime sherbet

Mix the Tequila, Triple Sec, sweet & sour and ginger ale in a punch bowl. Float the lime sherbet on top by large spoonfuls

This will serve a crowd, but you can halve the recipe if you need to.

If you serve in cocktail glasses you can garnish with a wedge of lime for color.

vodka and hawaiian punch is cheap and works well.

Vodka and orange soda mix to taste.

When the alcoholic comes to the door, get him right in the face before he has a chance to do or say anything.

Just cut up a bunch of fruit, add alot of alcohol of different varieties, and add punch.

Lime punch: 1 bottle of white wine (dry), 20 cl lime juice, 50 cl mineral water, ice cubes + sliced lemons

Snacks: sliced carrots & cucumbers + dip (classic!), or/plus
1. Swiss cheese cubes dipped in lemon juice + grapes on toothpicks
2. Gorgonzola cheese slices + dates on toothpicks


in a large punch bowl, mix together:

2 bottles of champagne
1 gallon of raspberry sherbet

pour into champagne flutes and top each glass off with a shot of Chambord (raspberry liquor)

You can also use orange sherbet & Contrieu or Gran Marnier (orange liquors)

Get a large Lemonade Jar with a spigot at the bottom for pouring the juice. Layer or fill with many types of fruits and pour a bottle of either rum, vodka or tequila. make a head of time - a few days in advanced if possible. Leave in fridge and serve either shoots of the fruit flavored alcohol or serve the fruit :)


you just have to trust me on this, try some in advance.
there is a generic koolaid ( not koolaid brand ) made by flavorade called mountain berry just mix per instructions then add your favorite Whiskey.
This stuff is great and don't worry about measuring amount of alcohol, it makes little difference in the flavor

Here's a good recipe for Rum Punch.

I think Guitar Hero 2 is a cool party! After all, I'm going to watch Spongebob until I'm like 80 anyway. LOL Sounds like a cool party, anyway! Good luck!

Pineapple sherbert(1/2gallon),sprite(2li... juice(frozen-large),Parrots Bay rum(to taste).Then put all in a punch bowl,mix and enjoy---GOOD.

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