Do u think this is weird???!


Do u think this is weird???

me and my boifriend went to go eat @ Wendy's and i bought a coke-float & fries and l LOVE 2 eat my fries w/ my ice cream...omg that is so good!!!but he just looked @ me w/ an ugly nasty face and said GROSS!! who does that?!?!?! but who else eats ice cream w/ fries if you haven't you need 2..but is it wierd??

NO! I love eating fries with ice cream. My favorite is dipping them in a chocolate Frosty! AMAZING!

not at all almost everyone i know loves to dip their fries in their frosty.maybe its your boyfriend who is weird!

I, for one, absolutely love fries and Frosty's from Wendy's. I also like fries and chocolate shakes. mmmmmmmmmmmm

So, no, that is NOT weird!

No...not at all.

Now your use of punctuation...that's weird.

I personally think it is very nasty but I have known people who do it. I know someone who dips potato chips in cool whip (same thing I guess)

i thought everyone did that.

Hey we are all wierd. We all have some weird food combination we like....I bet he has something that will totally gross you out. Just wait and see.

I think it is weird, but that is because I don't like food like that. I have friends that do the same, so I guess it isn't too far fetched.

ok, I do and have been since I was a kid. Now in my 30's still doing it!

Its only weird to those that don't do it... My niece eats fries with her ice cream all the time and she's 21. I personally don't mix my desserts with veggies but that's just me, i don't think you're a weirdo :)

It's definitely not weird i do it all the time! =)
Maybe ur boyfriend just doesnt like it because he never tried it or it looks nasty. (But its not!)
just thinking about ice cream and fries makes me want some!

I love fries and choc milkshakes myself, people think its wierd but once they try it they love the salty-sweet combo

Personally, I have an aversion to sticking my fried potatoes in ice cream, but I know PLENTY of people who think it's divine! It's not like such a combination is unheard of... chocolate-covered pretzels, anyone?

And anyway, it all ends up in the same place, so why not put them together?

Fries and Chocolate shakes are SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! You should make him try it lol

that is so good i thought i was gross, glad to see a lot of people like it . tell him to try it. my husband tried it he liked it.

Just look him straight in the eye and say,

"Hey. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it!"

I don't think it's weird. Ice cream and french fries together at last!

Some people are too inhibited.

now that everyone else made you feel better I will let you in on a secret


I bought Arby's today and dripped my curly fries in my Jamocha shake... YUM!!

its weird and gross but if u like it, then suit urself. enjoy.

You can eat what you like, don't let him call you Gross, to each their own.Enjoy whatever you eat.thanks for 2.

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